Has anyone noticed...


Well-known member
that bright colored makeup is starting to be popular for the norm? I've been seeing Max Factor advertise it a lot and I've also noticed that a Mac Artist came on the View today. Just wondering what your thoughts are about this? Honestly, I hope it doesn't catch on to be fad. To me, bright colored makeup isn't a fad..it's something I use to express myself with.


New member
I have noticed. However, I think makeup always seems to change just like fashion. Much like fashion beautiful makeup will always be instyle.


Well-known member
I myself just started wearing yellows and blues again. im always trying to match my makeup to my clothes


Well-known member
i've noticed alot more girls at my school wearing bright colours and being very flambouyant with their "mac addiction"...it seems like last year NOBODY there knew about mac, but this year, if you don't have any amc, you're like...on the bottom rung haha. the only thing that i hate about it is when people over do it, but hey, i guess if that's how they like their makeup then it's all gravy
and all the double-takes of passersby might get cut down a little since everyone's bright now...that's kind of nice!


Well-known member
I've really noticed the Loreal H.I.P ads and the Max Factor ads in the Fashion Mags. I like it, I also notice more people wearing colors to my work (teachers) - but they tend to do the lash line to brow one color look........ It is nice being down south where more people do wear brighter colors.


Well-known member
I tried to answer this but Specktra was way busy and booted me out

Can't say that is the case here but I'd be a bit bummed if it started to be thought of as a fad. I really enjoy wearing bold colour, definitely as self-expression, not because it's 'in'. Gosh, I haven't been 'in' since I was born, much to my mother's disappointment, lol!


Well-known member
wtvr... so many people wear mac and you canot even tell, you cannot be angry at them because you think you are expressing your self though flashy colors, what if they are also? You canot stop people from buying mac and wearing those OH-so-Bright colors, because do you want mac do go bankrupt?

Let them be!!!

Plus mac is not about bright color, the best sellers are neutral, mild, colors like shroom, naked luch, swish, mylar, brulé, etc you get my point....


Active member
A fad....jesus...have you noticed this site? Have you noticed the hundreds, no wait, thousands of "addicted" MAC users on here....just wondering??? You know, cause if you're worried about it "catching on" well, take a look, I think it's too late.


Active member
the average person I see wearing bright make up don't know how to apply it.
I don't like wearing bright colors myself, but don't care if others do as long as they know how to wear it.


Well-known member
Everytime I'm in the ddrugstore I wonder about the bold coloured e/s and l/s. But outside, I'm still the only one with bright stuff in my face. Nude MU is still very popular here in my small city in Germany, I would really like to know how buys AND wears this falshy red and fuschia lipsticks for example...


Well-known member
I beleive vivid colours, if not on the lips should ALWAYS be used as an accent, the exeption being haute couture makeup....unless you're stunningly beautiful, but then you're lucky and you can do whatever you like with your face and still look good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by morgasm
the average person I see wearing bright make up don't know how to apply it.
I don't like wearing bright colors myself, but don't care if others do as long as they know how to wear it.

very very true, a lot of ppl you see about really dont know how to apply their make up well. theres a teenage club night in my town and last time it was on i saw loads of really young girls with terrible make up!

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