Has Anyone Worked For Chanel? I Have Questions!! :)

I'm new to this Forum and you girls seem so sweet and supportive here I just love it! Well I applied at Nordstrom's for the Mac counter and when they called me back for an interview, the HR lady told me that they only hire from within in the company
So I passed that interview and got a call a week later from the Ass. Cosmetics Manager who was So Nice!! And she said that she would've loved me for the Mac Counter because I had a great personality and look for it. BUT there was no position available so the next best thing she said that was.. was Chanel. I've never used Chanel make-up or known anyone who has worked for them. So I'm a little nervous! I'm supposed to be getting a call from One of the Chanel Ladies this week to set up an interview. I guess my question is has anyone here worked for Chanel or know anyone who has? I just want to know is it fun? Or Do they do a lot of make overs? Or anything you could tell me! I would really appreciate it!!


Naked Lunch

Well-known member
I LOVE chanel makeup! I love the counter in the macys I work in. They are always doing makeup and the products are awesome.
Thank you so much for that reassurance!! I really love to do makeup on people!! I didn't just want to be there and just do sales!! I love the whole makeup application and the interaction with the customer!! So I have my Chanel interview in a couple hours!! I'm REALLY nervous!!
Hopefully everything goes well!!
Once Again


Well-known member
Good luck and let us know if you get the job! I used to work at Nordstrom and even though I didnt work in cosmetics I was always down there playing with the products!
Thank you so much for your support!! I had my interview yesterday with the Chanel Retail Manager and I have to say that it was the longest interview that I've ever had! She started by asking all sorts of questions like how did I hear about this job and what are my lifes dreams etc.. she also asked me if I was upset about not getting an interview with Mac. Which I was
but I wasn't going to tell her! And besides, I'm gonna keep trying
Then she had me sell her a pencil, take back a return, read up on their new items and sell those to her and finally I had to do a makeup demo on her! At the end I better get that job
J/k Now all I can do is wait!! Hopefully it all goes well!!



Well-known member
I went to work for Chanel right after I quit working for M.A.C. I loved the skin care products and their makeup is really nice too.