Have yor ever been stalked?.share your stalker stories here?


I don't know about you but it happened to me twice.I was online in a national chatroom and I was talking with a guy 10years older than me(28 and I'm 18)and after one month of chatting he asked me for my phone number.I didn't give it the first time but since he showed he had manners and there was nothing weird I finally gave my number to him(HUGE MISTAKE).we started out in a friendly way but it became obvious he was into other things as wellhe wanted to have sex with me and then told me he would drink my piss(
)and that he like lesbians and i should be one and so on.I then realised how weird and disgusting this man was and wasnt answering the phone or his messages.he used to send me twenty msgs a day.I told him to stop but he wouldnt listen.he called me a whore a trimp and whatever you can think of and then he would send msgs like are you horny like there was nothing going on.I told him for a second time to stop but he went on and insisted o nchatting and meeting me somewhere.anyway I told him would give his number to the police but suprisingly this didn't worked so I decided to change my number.Anyway GIRLS BEWARE OF PSYCHOS AND TRUST NOBODY
.I can't believe I was decieved that way....never want anyone to be in the same place as me


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I had this weird,, weird guy, that I had chatted with on the internet, and somehow he FOUND me one day at the mall. I have no idea how... I dont want to know.. anyways he always seemed to be where I was, it was really really creepy... one day he came up to me and said "I made you this birthday mix cd" I said thank you and went on my way (The cd was awful) I started dating my current boyfriend and the other guy, whose name i dont remember, finally stopped coming around


Well-known member
yes, this man used to come up to me all the time while i was shopping at publix (he worked there) and he would always try to hold my hand and whisper weird crap in my ear...then one day i found him by my house...like right in front of it it was CREEEEPY!!!...i hate that man.


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Years ago I worked at one of the first major home improvements stores as a cashier. A construction dude took a liking to me, and started getting in my line multiple times a day. Mind you, I was 16 and he was in his late 20s (at least). He'd buy a hammer. Then 5 minutes later, he'd be in line again buying nails. Then 5 minutes later, a tape measure. Weird. I had a friend, a big former Marine, tell him to leave me alone. He was banned from the store. Problem solved. Or was it? I got a dozen roses and a note at home from him. Huh!? He must have followed me home one day, 'cause there's no way anyone at work would have given him my address. I was crying because it was so creepy. My father called the florist and explained what happened - they gave him the dude's address! He took the flowers and left for awhile and had a chat with the jerk. That seemed to do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
Years ago I worked at one of the first major home improvements stores as a cashier. A construction dude took a liking to me, and started getting in my line multiple times a day. Mind you, I was 16 and he was in his late 20s (at least). He'd buy a hammer. Then 5 minutes later, he'd be in line again buying nails. Then 5 minutes later, a tape measure. Weird. I had a friend, a big former Marine, tell him to leave me alone. He was banned from the store. Problem solved. Or was it? I got a dozen roses and a note at home from him. Huh!? He must have followed me home one day, 'cause there's no way anyone at work would have given him my address. I was crying because it was so creepy. My father called the florist and explained what happened - they gave him the dude's address! He took the flowers and left for awhile and had a chat with the jerk. That seemed to do it.

OMG that's fricking scary. All of the above are. Esp when they find out where you live/show up where you are...goodness its good that there were ways to stop it but seriously, that's scary!! I'm glad you all are ok now!


Well-known member
Someone who works in my office calls me endlessly. He'd call me every morning to just greet or even just stay silent on the other line while I say a totally creeped out "Hello?"

Last week, I was away from office due to an offsite training and he effing spammed my voicemail! Other more important callers with actual pertinent requirements from me couldn't leave a message because he'd totally filled up the voicemail with useless crap.

I've tried escalating this to his boss, I've even forwarded his call once to my boyfriend, who is one of the security officers in the company because while it's not outright harassment, it's certainly detrimental to work. I have trouble answering calls from handphones to my desk phone because I don't want to get caught in another pointless conversation with him. He's just really annoying!!


Well-known member
It wasnt that bad... but annoying.
I had this class to attend from 6 pm to 10 pm.
It was somewhat far from home and I had 15 subway stations to take. One night I finished earlier so I went to the subway and sat in, waiting for it to go. (Its the first station of the line so, sometimes the driver get out for 5 minutes).

This guy came and sat next to me and started to talk to me. I could see he was interessed, and made the whole 15 stations with me, even offered to take me home but I refused. He gave me his number.

I called him, I think the next night. We talked for a while. The day after too, but this time I had to call him with a non-touch tone phone, so I couldnt do the *67 (number hidding). He then got my number...

He called, and called...
He wanted to see me waaaaayyyy too bad. He was telling me weird stuff, like he was in love (only saw me once) and everything. I could tell he was lying about himself. He told me that weird thing about the haïtians woman not wanting him. (He was haïtian).

He called me everynight for a week, even if I told him I was busy, had plans, he could call 4 times during 2 hours! STOP IT I said, but he continued untill the day I told him it was too much for me and if he called again I would call the police. He then stopped... Fiewwww

And my other story, I already wrote it somewhere in a post here. It was at my old place. The janitor seemed a little bit too much into womans. One day I was washing my clothes, and this girl came over. We started chatting, and she asked me what I thought about him. Then told me he entered her place without knocking while she was in her shower.

I then realised something. I found twice, pubic hair, one in my bathroom sink and one in my bed. Not to tell all details, but I don't have... pubic hair... hehehe, and at that time I didnt have a boyfriend. I started freaking, changed the lock. One day I was going out and while he was there looking at a sofa I was going to throw out (it was in the hallway for a week), he said : I'll take it. It smells like your perfume, before going to bed I come and take a smell of it.

I told him to mind his business, and think about his wife instead. He got throwed out the building because he was stealing rent money. I was relieved!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
It wasnt that bad... but annoying.
I had this class to attend from 6 pm to 10 pm.
It was somewhat far from home and I had 15 subway stations to take. One /night I finished earlier so I went to the subway and sat in, waiting for it to go. (Its the first station of the line so, sometimes the driver get out for 5 minutes).

This guy came and sat next to me and started to talk to me. I could see he was interessed, and made the whole 15 stations with me, even offered to take me home but I refused. He gave me his number.

I called him, I think the next night. We talked for a while. The day after too, but this time I had to call him with a non-touch tone phone, so I couldnt do the *67 (number hidding). He then got my number...

I don't understand people that aren't immediately suspicious and wary as hell at every person they see on public transportation, especially if they are a woman travelling on her own late at night. In your situation I would have politely bid him a good evening, moved away from where I was sitting to a more crowded carriage and I would never have taken his number, let alone phoned. I don't care how nice or cute the guy may be, it's just far too dangerous.

I've lived in major cities throughout my late teens and early twenties and I learned to distrust all of humanity as part of an instinct to stay alive. If someone steals your details or follows you home and starts harrassing you, that's clearly not your fault, but phoning up strangers is just asking for trouble. That includes internet chatroom folk too - *especially* internet chatroom folk.


Well-known member
My fault then

I mean...
At that time of my life I was desperately in search of new friends, I thought he was cool and that's it. I know I should havent call him back but I did.

Never did it again, learned from my experience.
I am not suspicious with EVERY people I meet, I don't feel the need to survive, but to live. I am a carefull person, but it can happen once in your life that you cut off your guards and things like that happens.


Well-known member
I had this old creep that lived next door to me looking in my windows, at first I never paid him any attention until one night I was on the internet, and I felt something strange, and I looked out my sliding glass windows(I have a Balcony) and it was dark so I only saw the Shadow of his face, talk about something scary, so it sucked even more because, I was practically naked I was wearing a pair of Boyshorts with a matching bra. So this dork did this about 3 times, so I jumped up & threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, I jumped back in bed this creep did it again! So I jumped up and asked him was there any particular reason he was watching me, Guess what this LOSER said? There were some kids trying to break in an apartment down stairs and he was trying to get a good look at them. Liar. Liar... The only "kids" he was watching were my twins(my breasts) and the only thing he wanted to see broked was my bra straps so he could see my size 42 DD's. Loser...


Well-known member
Hm... never been stalked, just approached by *very* annoying jerks on several occasions who don't want to leave me alone (all while being abroad).

This summer I was abroad for 3 weeks at one location and it happened THREE TIMES.
Some strange guy in a store wouldn't leave me or the cashiers alone when I was asking about a sewing pattern for a dirndl. Then he told me I had really big lips and started licking his lips. The entire time, the cashiers were laughing and chuckling saying "oh don't worry he's such a nice guy!" Ok, he might be nice but he's creepy as all hell. He even followed me out of the store asking if I wanted him to take me to the store where the pattern was, but I kept walking. I think he even offered to go to a cafe for ice cream or coffee or something.

Another time during my 3 week stay there I was walking home from the main train station, and some punks on a bike decided to follow me for a while asking if I wanted to have sex. I had to refuse several times, and the funny thing is, I swear when I got home I heard someone trying the door. I locked the door in the apartment and then my host mother got mad at me for doing that because she felt that it's unnecessary to lock the apartment door while she's home.

The last time in that place was actually in the train station. I was waiting for my train that would eventually take me to the airport when I heard some guys near a table. I pulled out a book (having to turn slightly towards the table to get my book out) and I heard this guy making some noises. Then I put one book away and switched it out for another and heard more noises. Eventually, one of the men at the table said (this is the rough translation) "Mmm... I know... what a delicious little girl. And smart too!" I got up later to go to my platform and at the stairs leading down to the underground walkway, one of the guys was waiting there and offered to take my bag. I just said "no" and walked away and he seemed kind of indignant that I didn't play along and say "yes" or at least give him a thank you.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Yeah it's happened to me too. This man comes into my work and has been doing so for the past 6 months and sexually harassing me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8

Eventually, one of the men at the table said (this is the rough translation) "Mmm... I know... what a delicious little girl. And smart too!" I got up later to go to my platform and at the stairs leading down to the underground walkway, one of the guys was waiting there and offered to take my bag. I just said "no" and walked away and he seemed kind of indignant that I didn't play along and say "yes" or at least give him a thank you.

OMG if i ever heard someone call me a delicious little girl...i think i would pee myself


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QTAllStarGurl
OMG if i ever heard someone call me a delicious little girl...i think i would pee myself

You could imagine my horror when the reader board flipped to say that my train would arrive around 50 minutes late.


Well-known member
THis didnt happen to me. It happend to my cousin in New Orleans. SHe is a gourgeous girl ..worked as a bank teller for a while. She always got this one guy in her line almost daily for a few weeks. She really didn't think much of it ..just a guy who did a lot of banking who was a bit too friendly. But thats that. THen one day she goes home ..pulls up to her driveway ..gets out of her car ..and walks up to her door and as she is almost to her door the guy pops out and grabs her and she starts screaming ..this is in broad daylight in a sububrban neighboorhood... he trys to cover her mouth as she struggled and THANK GOD ..her dad my uncle was home and he came running through the front door at the guy and he took off down the street where about 3 houses down he had his car parked. Luckily they had a good description of the car and of him. Turns out the guy was wanted in Alabama aggravated rape and countless other things. So i guess just cuz someone seems normal and is frienldy ..doesnt mean that they are normal ..lots of crazy people out there that look like your average joe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by urbanlilyfairy
THis didnt happen to me. It happend to my cousin in New Orleans. SHe is a gourgeous girl ..worked as a bank teller for a while. She always got this one guy in her line almost daily for a few weeks. She really didn't think much of it ..just a guy who did a lot of banking who was a bit too friendly. But thats that. THen one day she goes home ..pulls up to her driveway ..gets out of her car ..and walks up to her door and as she is almost to her door the guy pops out and grabs her and she starts screaming ..this is in broad daylight in a sububrban neighboorhood... he trys to cover her mouth as she struggled and THANK GOD ..her dad my uncle was home and he came running through the front door at the guy and he took off down the street where about 3 houses down he had his car parked. Luckily they had a good description of the car and of him. Turns out the guy was wanted in Alabama aggravated rape and countless other things. So i guess just cuz someone seems normal and is frienldy ..doesnt mean that they are normal ..lots of crazy people out there that look like your average joe.



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nothing creepy but in the 8th grade this guy would always find a way to sit next to me. He would rarely even talk to me. He'd just sit there. If he wasn't hot I would have been alarmed. Luckily I thought he was pretty sexy. :p


Well-known member
Sadly, I have been stalked twice. The first time was when I was in high school. My grandfather asked me why there was a chair outside my window. I told him I didn't know. At the time, I didn't think twice about it. One day, I heard a tapping outside my window. I peeked out of a window that was not in my room. I saw a figure there. I called my family crying. I then got filled with anger and chased him with a butcher knife. I so terrified. The other time was my freshman year of college. This guy was obsessed with me. He was a junior. He told me I was his dream girl. He would come knocking at my door at all hours of the night. He would write me poems and would appear where I was. He found out what classes I was taking and the times they would start and end. He once told me that he was going to kill my boyfriend and his twin. I was sooo freaked. He cut up his arms for me. I told my uncle and after I told my uncle, the guy never bothered me again.


Well-known member
I don't know if its scarier to get stalked by somebody you know or a stranger...

My ex-boyfriend from high school turned psycho on me after I broke up with him. Even a year later, he would call me all the time, crying, begging me to get back together with him... questioning me about guys he had seen me with (even though I never saw him anywhere when I was out).

Anyway, one night I was sleeping in my bedroom with my boyfriend at the time, and hear this creaking noise. I wake up to see my ex-boyfriend standing over my bed staring at me!! It freaked me out so bad! I took him downstairs & started yelling, "What are you doing in my house? How did you get in?" He apparently jumped the 9 foot fence around my porch & picked the lock on the sliding glass door in the living room. He said he called me 5 times before coming over, but when I didn't answer, he came anyway. He was supposedly really drunk so I told him he needed to sleep on the floor in the living room before driving home. The next morning, he was gone. But my mom told me that he went into HER room & tried to get into bed with HER!! How creepy is that!


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this happened to me 5 years ago...it wasnt toooo creepy but still...very unexpected.

i was shopping with my parents at some outlet mall and my dad starts shopping in his favorite store. there's a guy that looks a bit older than me there, and he starts flirting with me. i dont think anything of it, and kinda just stay silent throughout the whole ordeal. so my dad pays for his stuff...with a check...and we're on our way. when we're halfway to our car, the guy runs out and asks "hey!! what's your daughter's name?!" to my dad. my dad laughs and tells him my name.

so later that night i get a phone call, from that guy. turns out he had taken our number from the check my dad wrote.

he left countless voicemails..till my dad realized who was calling. daddy gets scary when he's mad.

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