Have You Ever Met A Celebrity?


Have you met a celebrity? When and where? Do you have a picture?

Unfortunately I haven't met too many famous people....but I met Ginuwine! (Does that count?)


I met him back in February when he was performing at a club for Valentine's Day. I just so happened to be right next to the stage before he came on. I didn't know that was where he was going to perform and then him and his bodyguards passed me and stopped because the stage was blocked. I reached under his bodyguard and started tugging on his sleeve to make him turn around. He did! And he grabbed me to take a pic with him! It would have been a good pic if my friend hadn't decided to jump into the pic. She ended upcovering half my face w/ her forehead. Whenever we talk about it I still get upset!


Well-known member
Oh, oh, six degrees of separation! Because I met Mike Patton, who covered Ginuwine. Mockingly, but that's beside the point
He was awesome. And scares easily for a guy who once poured a bottle of a stranger's piss over his head. But I still love him. I mean, he's friends with Danny DeVito. How can you not love a guy who's friends with Danny DeVito?




Well-known member
aahh! I am so jealous. Mike Patton is amazing.

I've met a lot of music celebrities because I used to work at a concert venue, but the only one that counted for me was Andrew W.K. Nicest guy ever. He stayed so late signing things and talking to people that the owner threw him out, and he stayed another hour in the parking lot just talking to people!



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I've met Robert Duvall:

And Lynda Carter, A.K.A Superwoman!

Because of my 2nd job, a lot of famous and rich folks come there. I have talked to both Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gibson from Good Morning America on the phone while they booked reservations. Everyone I've met so far is REALLY nice and down to earth. Hilary Swank visited our restaurant a few years ago, she just dropped in on a whim with her ex, Chad Lowe. Everyone was in awe, she is so much prettier in person and is very down to earth.

Corvs Queen

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I met Billy Corgan after his solo show in St. Louis in 2005. I had taken a flight from Munich, landed in Charlotte and drove 13 hours to St. Louis just for that show. I stuttered and blushed like an idiot. I replay that moment in my head a lot and think about the million and one things I could have/should have done different. He signed my copy of TheFutureEmbrace and I told him that I met my hubby because of him. He flashed a smile and I melted a little.
One of the best days EVER!!!!!



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The only celeb I met (so far
) is Evan Dando, the lead singer of my favourite band ever: The Lemonheads.


I met him after a concert in my town & he signed a poster of him for me. We only talked one minute or so.
I had such a crush on him
I wouldn´t have mind to screw him

But my then-BF was with me (after all, he was the one who told me "Hey, the guy you´re into stands right over there!" I didn´t even see him...how silly!) so I didn´t even have the chance to find out if Evan was interested


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I met Robin Williams, when he was in Oregon he came into the pet store where I worked a few times. Totally kick ass guy!


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I saw (does see count?) Lauri from the Rasmus at Schiphol airport (the Netherlands) once..

I saw Frankie Muniz during Edmonton Indy (I didn't realize it was him actually, lol)

I met lots of footballers (I don't know if you count them as celebrities? they are not well known anyways) because my husband used to work for NFL Europe..

That's about it..


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Not a Celebrity but a important public figure :

When I was young I went to Visit my Cousin a Doctor in Atlanta. He was treating Corretta Scott King. That was a huge deal for me and my 2nd grade self... you only learn about so many people when your young and Dr. martin Luther King Jr. is one of them.

I missed getting a private tour of the White House and meeting the president by like 20 mins. In 2006. We had a friend that was a Secret Service agent on Presidential Detail.


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I had lunch with Catherine Zeta Jones and David Jason!

Loooong before CZJ was Hollywood material she was in a tv series here called The Darling Buds of May which was filmed in my village, so I had lunch and cream teas with her!

Other than that... Jesse Lacey from Brand New pretty much made my life haha.

My mum got harassed by Richard Burton when she was at university in London, and she also went to school with the guys from Slade (the band who sings OHH I WISH IT COULD BE CHRIIISTMAS EEEEVERYDAAAY!) lol.


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I met Chris Isaak on a flight from L.A. to S.F. I had a business trip where I flew from SF down to LA and back in one day, he was sitting in coach. He was a hunka hunka of burnin love!!!

Also met Danny Glover on a trip I took from Oakland to Phoenix, on the trip back had a layover in L.A. and he got on and sat next to me! Nice man, very reserved.

Also at the airport in Albuquerque, N.M., Anjelica Huston, while waiting for my flight to Oakland, she came and sat down waiting for the flight to board. Very nice woman, easy to talk to.....

I guess airports and famous folks are a thing for me!!


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I met Bob Denver at BWI airport over ten years ago. Very nice guy! He was showing me pictures of his grandkids, who were around my age at the time (I was 12 or 13 then), and also showing off pictures of some huge fish he caught. My step-dad sat next to him on the plane!

Other than Bob Denver....let's see, the guys from Blink 182, Gavin Rossdale (soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot in-person), Good Charlotte (not sure if they count though since I was good friends with Benji and Joel long before they got signed), and a bunch of baseball players, mostly Yankees, Red Sox, and Orioles players. Oh, and a couple Baltimore Ravens players. Most of the O's and Ravens guys were shocked I knew who they were, because I'm a girl and it's tough to recognize the guys (especially the baseball players) without their hats/helmets. Can't forget Michael Phelps too! I worked as a substitute teacher many years ago and subbed for a teacher at the high school he went to. Tall, goofy-looking, and ridiculously full of himself is how I'd describe that kid. Ah well, some girls like that!

I don't work at the restaurant anymore where I met just about all of those people! That was the only perk of working in that restaurant.


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I met Elijah Wood back during SXSW in 2005 at a local vintage store. He was incredibly nice, smelled fucking *amazing* and seemed to be a bit hung-over.

Which is understandable...considering it was SXSW.


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I've met a ton actually... Here we go:

1. Ryan Seacrest
2. Ashton Kutcher
3. Peter Gallagar (sp?)
4. Bernie Mac, he was a really really awesome guy.
5. The mom from that 70's Show
6. Eliza Dushku (sp again?) from Bring it on
^^^ they were all at a hotel where my bff from hs' dad was head of security for some Fox season preview thing... They were all really really awesome, Ashton didn't say two words but he did stop to give my friends and I autographs as soon as he saw that we weren't paparazzi. I know there were more people there, but I forget

1. Ken from the Starting Line (i died)
2. The All American Rejects ( i died bigtime)
3. Mica from Hawthorn Heights
4. Gym Class heroes before they were gch, just kind of hanging out at some show.
-Travis Barker<3. love him.

Ken was kind of quiet... AAR was awesome, Tyson checked out my boobs. Loved it.

-Rev Run's daughters
-& I did some lady's makeup.... She was spending hundreds of dollars (5 of these, 3 of these, oh you like that- 10 of those then)...Before she left her friend told me to google her, she's famous in China.. Like famous famous.
- My step-mom's brother works with Derek Jeter's step brothers... She and my dad hang out with Derek Jeter's family a few times a year, he's usually never there but his parents always are =).

I know there's more than that but I completly can't remember right now.

edit--oh, and bobby and ryan from a shot at love with tila tequila..
edit again-- wanda sykes.
again, John Stewart a couple times. like knew him personally...he's a nice guy.


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Wow you guys have met some real famous people. I've met some canadian celebrities. Though The only super famous person I've met that I am pretty sure would be known by most, is Queen Elizabeth the IInd she was doing a tour of canada. I got prepped on proper etiquette like how to properly courtsey, how to address her etc etc I was super nervous! Not like we had an actual conversation beyond greetings and ceremony but it was super cool!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I met Elijah Wood back during SXSW in 2005 at a local vintage store. He was incredibly nice, smelled fucking *amazing* and seemed to be a bit hung-over.

Which is understandable...considering it was SXSW.

Aw, I'm jealous! I love him and have never heard of anyone having anything but pleasant encounters with him. Unless you count Jared Leto. Which... I don't. Ever.