Have you/your makeup changed since working...


Well-known member
...for a cosmetics retailer??

I'm more interested in knowing if your makeup looks and techniques have changed? Do you feel that you are now happier with some products, have a more flawless face, more confident to use different colours...?

It may seem like an obvious question to ask cos I guess with Training and all we are bound to pick up new tricks and tips and even more products but the reason I ask is cos when I started work at MAC, on my first day the manager said her Welcome piece and that you will def enjoy working here etc etc and she also said that its wonderful to watch people grow and develop as artists and that ''I'm sure that in a months time you will have changed and be looking different'' - in a good way!!

I was quite curious as to what she meant exactly, but I didnt probe. I have completed my first month with MAC and tbh, I can actually see a difference already...and I havent been on Basic yet!!

...I am much more confident with my makeup applicaion (I guess with all the practice on other ppl) and also getting there with making my face more 'flawless' and knowing what products work well with others... I have also discovered colours that I disregarded whilst being a customer and I guess my fellow MAC colleagues have a big part to play in it. They are great in recommending colours and being on the counter allows me to play with colours I wouldnt have bothered with otherwise!

For example... I thought Viva Glam II l/s would be too pale and look washed out on my NC40 skin, but one of the girls told me to try it and now I LOVE IT!! Teamed with Spice, it looks hot!! I was asked what I was wearing lots that day and sold it too

So now... I am looking forward to developing myself as an artist, learning more and continously improving - A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER- yay!!

How about you guys????



Well-known member
i know for me i have progressed and only have gotten better. but i am always up to learn more and know more! i've also figured out that i really do love doing make up and making people feel beautiful!

i have to say my experience is very similar to yours and i think it is all a wonderful thing!


Well-known member
I think that as an artist, you ALWAYS have to know that you will be changing and devloping, otherwise you would get complacent and your job would just not be exciting enough anymore!! As an artist myself I can see how dramatically my skills/application/style has changed by looking through my portfolio and I am so excited to see how I will change in the future... There are always things to learn, I cant wait to start with MAC and get my opened even more!!!


Well-known member
I look back at pictures from around the time I got hired...I honestly don't know why they hired me with eyebrows like that.


Active member
Let me SHOW you the difference. I was a hideous mess when I started. I'll do progression photos. Check this out.

I'm on the far left here. This is 2 months after starting at MAC..this is our Christmas party of 06 with some other girls from the counter. All 3 have since left. I'm still there!

This is New Years of 07...not too long after the Christmas party!!!! Blending is getting better...lashes... yes I'm wearing #2 lashes w/ TONS of mascara


I'm on the left, again...with some friends. After our big Barbie event!

My first FOTD.
Sept 07!

And here I am today...

Me with one of my favorite clients I did for her Halloween party.


And these were taken last week.


I HAVE COME A HUGE LONG WAY in a year and a half with MAC.
The technique gets more and more defined as you go along. You learn what products work and what doesn't....the blending gets more precise... and it gets more and more exciting every day.




Well-known member
Thanks everyone, great to hear from you all and thanks Caitlin for the pics... its encouraging to see such progression and I'm looking forward to the future and heres to all of us striving to be and becoming more better artists! cheers!!



Well-known member
CaitlinRH7 you look awesome! & i love the progression! thank you for sharing!

i have my *hopefully* final interview tomorrow at MAC & i really can't wait to get started ( of course if i get the job
) i am so excited for all the stuff i can & will learn!


Well-known member
Great job!!!

I've noticed I've changed alot too. One thing, I have to try to do more is to wear a bright lipstick and red lipstick. I love Viva Glam I on myself though.


Well-known member
i wish i could work at MAC - here in Australia they wont hire you unless you study and have appropriate industry certification.

Even if you have flair, skill and your own personal style that ain't enough


Well-known member
I have been at MAC since September & I think I have changed alot, I'm learning so much each day & I love to see myself improving & getting better. Before I started working there I never knew what a real difference eyebrows make & then one day my boss dragged me in the office & fixed them up for me & I have never gone back. I'll do a before & after pic:

Before MAC:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Great job!!!

I've noticed I've changed alot too. One thing, I have to try to do more is to wear a bright lipstick and red lipstick. I love Viva Glam I on myself though.

I had to do that. Now that I am comfortable with wearing a bright lip, I've noticed how much time I save! Especially on my days off...clean neutral eye, Russian Red...done.


Well-known member
You serioudly just keep getting better and better and more confident! You are around so many talented people and learning from them, you learn from the trainers, you do so much makeup, there's just so many things helping you grow. I can't believe how much better I've gotten


Well-known member
ABSOFREAKINLUTELY!!! I think the most noticeable change has been the addition of my 'best friend' color to EVERY look I do...it really just brings everything together...and yes especially after Basic I had a lot more to work with...not to mention the amazing talent of the artists I work with every day. They inspire me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
Great job!!!

I've noticed I've changed alot too. One thing, I have to try to do more is to wear a bright lipstick and red lipstick. I love Viva Glam I on myself though.

Me too, VG1 is an awesome red!! Got told at Update that bright lips are gonna be huge for this spring... Morange was used loads on the runways... I'm gonna give that a try tomorrow at work!

I have noticed a difference the most with my day-off makeup... I am definitely wearing more makeup than I used to on these days and it even looks better than before!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I have been at MAC since September & I think I have changed alot, I'm learning so much each day & I love to see myself improving & getting better. Before I started working there I never knew what a real difference eyebrows make & then one day my boss dragged me in the office & fixed them up for me & I have never gone back. I'll do a before & after pic:

Before MAC:


BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You are freaking beautiful girl!!


Well-known member
It's funny you should ask...because before I worked with MAC, I wore more makeup than I do now. On my days off, I barely wear anything at all (lipbalm, mascara and concealer...that's it). I find it ten times easier (and more enjoyable) to do makeup on others than on myself. I do wear more makeup to work, though. When I started MAC, my coworkers used to tease me and say that I was MAC by way of Bobbi Brown. I am a "little" older than your average MAC girl, so I tone down my looks so as to not scare anyone...
..I can make colors like Parrot and Bitter look mega-subtle...


Well-known member
I haven't done much more with colour (apart from the occasional teal or forest green eye) but the application became more precise and a lot more fierce.

90% of that I'd put down to the lighting in store being absolutely vile and needing to compensate for how easily it takes the depth out of colour/density, and 10% kicking up the drama because otherwise customers didn't care what I'm wearing and I was losing that daily handful of 'what are you wearing, that looks pretty!' customers who can totally make or break your budget


Well-known member
I know you guys hate when Non-makeup workers intrude on your MA discussions but....
Ever since I've started gettng into MAC and wanting to work for MAC, my makeup has definitely changed. Now I try to look more and more like a MAC girl. even at school I wear the brightest eyeshadows and lipsticks. I used to be the tomboy out of all my friends and now they think I look the girliest! teehee :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I know you guys hate when Non-makeup workers intrude on your MA discussions but....

I don't think that is the case or that anyone here acts like that is the case. I think we hate it when people come in here and tell us how to do our jobs or what we are or aren't allowed to think and talk about. We aren't being separatist jerks, we are merely defending ourselves everytime people jump down our throats for expressing our opinions or sharing stories about our jobs.

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