he said she sadi


Well-known member
so i've been hearing culturebloom is a march release but then i heard feb 16?!?!?!?! does anybody know FOR SURE the exact date? it would be muuuuuch appreciated, thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
is ultra cheeks along with culture bloom for sure? no good for my wallet....

yes. its the "smaller" release


Well-known member
Yep, Feb 16th! In Indy the freestanding MAC store is having an invitation only preview and pre-sale the night before!! Other freestanding MAC location are doing this too, so if you are interested call your local freestanding. With liquor, food, and all kinds of goodies,.. I am waiting with bated breath for my invitation! The manager at my freestanding yesterday gave me her card and told me if I don't get my invitation in the next couple weeks to call her and she will get one in to the store for me. Isnt that cool??


Well-known member
thats good cause it's right after valentine's day (which is also my anniversary) so i will be getting money. it will give my credit card a rest!!