Heeeeeellllllo I'm New here!

Tyra Shena

My name is Tyra... I came across this site by using bing to research answers to issues I've been having. With every single one I noticed this site would come up so I've been lurking and decided hey these ppl are friendly and have great advice why not?! Any-who I consider myself to be a Make-up ENTHUSIAST rather than addict after 10 yrs I still don't feel comfortable labeling myself a MUA some how I feel undeserving hopefully being here can help me find the confidence I lost..... Thanks for having me


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra!

Tyra Shena

Welcome Spqin! I have never tried it but Wayne Goss on YouTube had a extremely bad breakout from it. After I saw that I was too nervous to try it


Well-known member
I'm also new here.I learned about this site through makeupalley. I'm glad I joined!! Can't wait to connect with everyone!!!