Heidi Montags new Video "Higher"


Well-known member
she's fake all the way....fake voice, fake boobs, fake nose, fake everything.

about the video, yeah its bad because it is directed by her boyfriend Spencer. they both are made for each other. they're fake. even the pictures of them together. like when they were picking out pumpkins last Halloween, they knew the photographers were there and acted like they didn't know. what fakes.


Well-known member
this looks so amatuer and cheesy.Its like omeone took this with their caera phone!! She can't even sing! But at least her body looks hot.


Well-known member
Reminds me of soft core porn. You know like right before they get down and dirty, they showcase the porn star in all her glory? That's what it reminds me of.


Well-known member
Wow...very high budget


Well-known member
hahaha i saw this on MTV last night. they played a clip of it first & then they were like "now this is what the video reminded us of.." & they replayed the video but muted out heidi & did a voice over like it was one of those 1-800 phone chat commercials.
i feel bad for heidi.. she was cute before spencer got ahold of her.


Well-known member
Worst song & video ever! But so great for a good laugh! Vh1's best week ever & E's Soup both ripped it apart...it was hysterical!


Well-known member
I can't stand her hands in the video - its creepy, like spirit fingers gone wrong.

But, yeah ... horrible song and even worse video.


Well-known member
Yeah...Best Week Ever hit the nail on the head. Stop touching yourself...er...your boobies...er your silicone. Stop trying to act like Madonna in her Cherish video - it's insulting as her song had a point, the video was worth more than $10, and she is a REAL artist. Bet the budget for the video went to her cans.


Well-known member
I remember seeing her on late night tv and talking about how she has always wanted to sing, and this was a dream come true for her. She even mentioned that her song was great, and was going to be a huge hit. hahahah.


Well-known member
that was utterly ridiculous. Wow. Pathetic. I couldn't watch it.....and the singing sounded like a really fake plastic barbie type voice. *shudder*


Well-known member
Who is this person and is she for real?? That is an actual music video shown on MTV? It was so bad that it looked like a parody.. And the music at the start was so strange and discordant that paired with the video it kind of looked like a scene from some cracked out nightmare. Terrible on every level.


Well-known member
I started giggling as soon as the video started.

But the "Jazz Hands" at :42 got me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
hahaha i saw this on MTV last night. they played a clip of it first & then they were like "now this is what the video reminded us of.." & they replayed the video but muted out heidi & did a voice over like it was one of those 1-800 phone chat commercials.
i feel bad for heidi.. she was cute before spencer got ahold of her.

hahaha soo true! he did "brain wash" her lol.. deeng i haven't seen the video yet! i didn't even know about it! can't wait tho.. i'm sure ill have a good laugh too