hellloooooooo =)


Hi! im new...i found this forum from a link from a different forum that someone posted...haha sorry if that made no sense. but im new-ish to makeup and i love make, although i own none...cuz im really poor so i own cheap drugstore stuff until i can afford it =P so i hope to learn LOTS of stuff from everyone here! b/c all i can really do is...eyeliner/mascara/blush/foundation...LOL look forward to everything!


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra! This place is full of all the make-up knowledge in the world and if you don't see it ask because someone here always has the answer! See you around the forums!


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to Specktra!



Active member
Welcome! I'm pretty new here also but I already have learned a ton because people post really helpful tutorials on here.