Hello, all


Well-known member
Hello, everyone. I've just joined here, though I've been lurking for close to a year :).

I'm probably a bit older than a lot of you (will be 47 in Sept - eek, how the heck did that happen?). It's funny how your focus changes as you get older from finding cool new colors to play with to finding the best concealer to cover sunspots and knowing what eyeshadows don't make your lids look wrinkled. LOL....


Well-known member
to specktra! i am happy you have joined! and you'll be surprised at the wide age range we have here on specktra and i promise you're far from being the only person in their 40's on here :)


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra, lmcmullen :) No worries, you'll fit right in here, we are not all 16 only. That's a great thing about Specktra, we are girls and guys and older and younger and we all love makeup! Pop into one of the brand threads if you are interested in feedback to products like concealers :welcome: