Hello from Nebraska >.<


Well-known member
Hey all! I'm a longtime lurker and I dunno why I've never posted here at all so I thought I'd begin with an introduction. I'm Megan, just turned 18 years old, and I've had a fascination with make-up ever since I was little. I remember trying to wear red lipstick on the first day of pre-school and my mom was like O_O lol. Anyways, I'm an soon-to-be college student w/ no job so I can't afford much make-up. My (small) collection is all by the generosity of my parents. <3 I love makeup blogs and watching youtube gurus and stuff. Hopefully I'll start posting more and put some FOTDs if I'm brave haha!


Well-known member
Another Nebraskan? :0
Haha and someone shares my name!
Susanne you are from Germany? Guten tag!! I went there last month.
Thanks everyone.