Hello ladies.


I'm new to this site having it suggested to me by Doe Deere at Lime Crime. I sent Doe a message since I love women in makeup and she told me to check the forums here. I have always loveld makeup and seeing women in it but it seems most women wear the minimum they have to for work and most don't seem to share my passion for it. My last girlfriend did and she loved making herself up looking even lovelier than she already was. I once dated a cosmetic rep and she knew right away that I had a passion for makeup and she always seemed to wear what would be considered too much. But it was never too much for me and I loved seeing her blend 3-5 colors of eye shadow and then watching her putting things on like lip liner with her lipstick. Those seem to be the only 2 I've ever run into that enjoyed a man that had the same passion seeing them in makeup as much as they loved wearing it. Hope I get the chance to talk with other females here who love their makeup as much as I do since I think it also gives them a very feminine look. And I'll be more than happy to share my other interests but ask that you don't pass judgement on me since I won't do it to you. Hope to hear from lots of you soon


Well-known member
to the forum! happy to have you here. and nobody judges people here - everybody is very open :)


Well-known member
Welcome to the site, Ridingcrops! We look forward to hearing your ideas and sharing ours with you!!