Hello Ladies!


Well-known member
Hello to all of you gorgeous and talented gals! My name is Whitney and I've actually been a member for a while now, but havent had time to actually get FOTD's or anything like that up. I have a 2 year old tornado and run my own child care business, soooo most days I dont even wear makeup, lol. I do love to check out everyone's gorgeous looks, creative ideas, and insightful opinions. I'm also kind of timid about posting my looks because there are sooo sooo many gorgeous gals on here with talent out the wazoo, lol. Alsooo on kind of a random note, I cannot get the best quality pictures from my camera. I have a Sony Cybershot and I have a really hard time getting settings set so my pics turn out decent, so any help on that would be greatly greatly appreciated. Anywhoo, I cant wait to get to know you and try and be active here =)


Well-known member
Hi Whitney! Welcome to Specktra, happy to have you join our discussion. Feel free to jump in.