Hello! Migrated here from LJ :)


Active member
Hey guys! I've been lurking here for a couple of months mostly for swatches, tips, collections etc

I'm usually on mac_cosmetics on LJ, where I go by the same username. I've also been on MUA for a short while as lithia.

Haha lets see... My name's Caitlin, I'm 19, from Toronto, Canada (would love to meet up with some makeup obsessed girls here! whee shopping hehe!) attending university here for Botany & Enviro Ethics and yep that's about it
Hoping to go to grad school and eventually develop my own makeup line, even if it's on the side. I've been dabbling in makeup here and there since high school, doing stage makeup for Irish dance competitions mostly, for friends here and there, and obviously for myself!

I've only more recently really gotten into MAC and expanding my personal stash of goodies! It's addictive

Anyway I have no idea what else to say so I'm gonna leave you with a picture!

I was rudolph the red nosed reindeer for my friend's xmas costume party.



Well-known member
What a great intro - welcome to Specktra! Love you as Rudolph, great photo.

Jump on in and enjoy the site.