Hello, my name is Mini the Cat, & I'm an alcoholic ?


Well-known member
(Hi, Mini ! )

Mini the Kitten, age about 12 weeks, is probably going to leave us this week, to go and own another person, my hubby's co-worker, in a nearby town. When he heard the news, he looked stoic. He went about his normal Evening routine of curtain - hanging- by - claw, biting my ankles, massaging his feet on my laptop keyboard, playing with his brothers, and eating.

I went upstairs to check on my little boy, & came down to find my husband had made me a delightful white wine drink, in my favorite little mug with the kitty picture decorations. The only oddness was that a little tangerine-coloured head bobbed in and out of my wineglass; a little sandpaper tongue was going lap, lap, lap! Mini was removed from the premises, but not without a fight! He said he had not finished drinking, and he attempted to move the spindle of discs my husband had hurriedly placed atop the cup. We spoke calmly to Mini, in a non-accusatory manner, & he finally agreed to go.


We placed poor little Mini near his sleepy brother, Freddie Brian, who put his arm around him & told him he'd be alright.
Mini seemed content, curling his paws, purring, going in and out of a sweet Dream.

We were worried! We knew he'd only had a couple of sips, but still, we
do not provide alcohol to underage drinkers, especially those of us who have feline DNA. We frantically Googled the situation, only to discover that, in cats, small doses of alcohol causes similar sedative effects as it does in people.

Lately, every time I turn my back, if Mini is not engaged in any of the afore-mentioned activities, I'm likely to find him sipping my coffee or tea,
or lapping the juice out of my husband's grapefruit. Tomato sauce is another of his favorite liquid refreshments.

But now we face the truth:
Yes, Mini the Kitten, Princess Cathy's firstborn, has a drinking problem. He has since awaken & attempted to nose his way into my wine again. I will not enable Mini in his habit. We are also concerned he might spread the word - peer pressure is fierce among the 3 little Tanger (tangerine) Brothers.

I don't know if we can let Mini go. If he handles unsettling news by seeking ways in which to avoid his feelings, his new owned may not understand, and may enable him. A truly intoxicated cat would not be a pretty site.

(disclaimer: Research shows, while a teensy bit (a sip or two) of alcohol will probably not harm a kitty, but may cause drunken-ness, larger quantities of alcohol may cause severe health risks in your fur babes. Kittens are underage, anyway, and cannot make informed, mature decisions.)

No more wine for Mini. Fortunately, the little angel is up & around & preying upon a mysterious piece of black foam rubber (where on Earth did it come from?!) I do think Mini has a bit of a headache, as I'm closely observing him & I've seen him place his left front paw over his sweet little forehead a couple of times. We're encouraging him to drink alot, to re-hydrate himself (with filtered *Water*.) We may have a talk with him later.



Well-known member
Thank you for sharing such an adorable story! LOL.

If ever you need a break from Mini, you can certainly send him to meet my kitty, Miss Ava. She has not yet been caught drinking alcohol, but she sure does love (my mom) her grandma's coffee. And, she's been known to get in trouble here and there...For example, her side mug shot:


(she's a persian)



Well-known member
You write so beautifully. What a cute story. You have given this fur baby angel a great start life. I hope you will keep writing here.


Well-known member
sweet story & i agree you write soo beautiful! Too cute

My grandmas fat cat is adorable, he used to drink water in which i was cleaning brushes while drawing o_O, plus he loves green olives - he startes rolling all over the floor when he gets them and acts like he is either drunk or high!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
(Hi, Mini ! )
a little sandpaper tongue was going lap, lap, lap!



What a great story writer you are. You have a natural gift for it.
Thanks for sharing it

Naughty little cat!!
Wow, I never knew they had a "taste" for the strong stuff!! Mine turns his nose up at tea and juice!!

He's a gorgeous cat
lovely glossy coat.

Sandpaper kisses - don't ya just love em?


Well-known member
You are all really, really sweet! Thanks for your adorable comments and compliments ::blushes::

! I have several PMs I need to write....I will be in touch if I owe you one. When I say "owe," I don't mean it's like a duty...If I didn't love ya', I wouldn't be thinking I want to write you a PM! I don't forget anyone! I've had a techy problem (unrelated to cats)

Brittni, Miss Ava is precious!! I LOVE her mugshot!

Alibi, I wonder what's in green olives that causes your grandma's kitty to go crazy over them. LOL I have pickles in the fridge...for Leo (my son, not my kitty). I wonder if the kittens will go for them. Maybe it's the vinegar in the olives?

I used to have an insane little half Persian cat named Filiberta (but most people called her either "Filbert," or "Fili". She was named after the *nut*

When I moved out on my own, I was lonely; Filiberta used to sleep on my head, with her claws & paws all wrapped throughout my hair. Every Morning when I awoke, my hair was like a tangled Forest. I had to leave sweet Fili behind when I went to live in England. I was devastated, but I didn't want her to be in quarantine for months.

Filiberta loved cat food. Her favorite food, however, was cantaloupe melon!
She'd keep trying to lick it as I was eating it. When I'd finished, she'd stick her head into the 1/2 rind, and finish it off with her teeth and grabby little tongue. One time, I gave Filbert her very own half a melon. She kept at it for ages! I had turned to do something else, and I was greeted with the site of Filiberta running around with a melon on her head, with juice dripping down her face. She was stuck! Cats....I love them so!!


A quick follow-up: later last Night, I came downstairs, & Freddie Brian, Princess Cathy's 2nd born son, had his head poised above the cup, which held only about an inch of wine. The Team had taken out the disc spindle!! I could see Freddie Brian was determined; he was trying to figure out whether to dip a paw, or attempt the feat with his head and tongue. Just as he raised his right paw and aimed, I picked him up & hugged him.

We sat all of them down later, the 3 kittens *and* their parents, over a saucer of milk for the 4 guys (Jimmy & his sons) & a little saucer of SlimFast for Mommy Cathy (her drink of preference); we did a sort of ~soft~ intervention, explaining about the effects alcohol could have upon unsuspecting little kitties. They were wide-eyed with disdain, or wished to appear so. They continued to lap up their non-alcoholic refreshments, pretending not to hear.

After their snack & intervention speech, we nipped them. They had a ball on the catnip-soaked scratching posts, rolling over, stetching, chasing each other...(a legal and safe high, as far as I know.) I wish I'd photographed them, but I was so tired after the stresses of the Night. ( My flat camera battery was of no help, either.)

HeartVibes to all of you. You're very sweet. You've made my Day, more so than you know! I don't think I write very well any more...but I've been writing since age 4 (poems, stories) & writing is part of my blood...

I hope you all have a beautiful Day! xxxCherylFaith


Well-known member
Perhaps Cats do like vinegar. My kitty Ava LOVES red wine vinagrette salad dressing no matter how much it makes her eyes water! She always licks it off my salads. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Perhaps Cats do like vinegar. My kitty Ava LOVES red wine vinagrette salad dressing no matter how much it makes her eyes water! She always licks it off my salads. lol.


Team Tanger (all the ginger kitties here) seem to love all types of fruit juice! I don't like vinegar much, but let's see what happens when I break out Leo's pickles later.

So adorable, the image of Ava enjoying her salad dressing! I hope it doesn't irritate her, though. Maybe it's like us with onions. (I think cats can have a severe allergic reaction to onions (?)

As for faces, when Leo eats raw lemon (he LOVES lemon!) or pickles, the faces he makes are hysterical! These foods wake up his taste buds and make it easier for him to eat the rest of his food. He has an eating challenge, due to Down's, wherein he has difficulty chewing his food, but his favorites are spicey, salty, sour, strong-tasting foods (like his mommy enjoys).

Leo's not a cat, I know...he's a 4- yr-old boy.....but he is a *kitten*
Everyone we love in this house is a "kitten". We're crazy, I know

Kisses to Miss Ava, & to all the kitty angels out there xxxxxxx


Well-known member
PS ( OT )
I wish I could just stay on here all Day, sometimes (like Today.) I hardly ever get to see what people are posting, and maybe it seems I'm unfriendly. Please know that is *not* the case. Life is crazy right now.


Well-known member
Thanks for the stories! They really made me laugh

Mini has a gorgeous coat btw!

My boy kitten (who's going to be 3 soon) loves olives esp. off pizza, fries and if you ever left a piece of KFC chicken unattended he will be gone with it!! He actually sits on the table and stares at me if I’m eating something he likes until I give in and share. He’s my lil fatty!

My girl kitty has no interest in people food though, the only thing she’ll touch other than her regular food is tuna.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa

So adorable, the image of Ava enjoying her salad dressing! I hope it doesn't irritate her, though. Maybe it's like us with onions. (I think cats can have a severe allergic reaction to onions (?)

As for faces, when Leo eats raw lemon (he LOVES lemon!) or pickles, the faces he makes are hysterical! These foods wake up his taste buds and make it easier for him to eat the rest of his food. He has an eating challenge, due to Down's, wherein he has difficulty chewing his food, but his favorites are spicey, salty, sour, strong-tasting foods (like his mommy enjoys).

Leo's not a cat, I know...he's a 4- yr-old boy.....but he is a *kitten*
Everyone we love in this house is a "kitten". We're crazy, I know

Kisses to Miss Ava, & to all the kitty angels out there xxxxxxx

I don't know if irritates her as she seems to enjoy it. Persians have really watery eyes, of course, so they constantly need to be wiped. She truly is like my own baby. She even loves to be rocked while laying on her back in our arms... It's beyond precious!

I bet those faces are a joy to watch. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Well Mini, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Love her markings.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by RaynelleM
Thanks for the stories! They really made me laugh

Thank *you*
I'm thrilled you enjoyed
I wasn't even trying to be funny. I'm serious! I've had this happen often in my Life, & not only when I'm writing. lol I didn't realize this report was comedic until I read it to my hubby, & he didn't stop laughing.LOL

Mini has a gorgeous coat btw!

Oooh...thanx to his beautiful mommy & daddy (who has an obese cat challenge, from running to eat the Kittens enriched food before they can even get their mouths near the bowl.)

I'm beginning to think i cannot let Mini Cat leave.
Every time someone says sweet words about him, I long for him to stay. Freddie Brian might leave, too
I'd prefer if they'd live with the same new people...Creamy is staying. She is in love with my husband & pines for him when he's at work. What an original name, eh? eek! I always forget, Creamy is also a boy! He's so pretty & little & delicate...He has the same markings, but he's cream-colored.

My boy kitten (who's going to be 3 soon) loves olives esp. off pizza,

yet another olive cat! I think you're talking about black olives? I have to buy olives (makes mental note) next time we shop. I feel as though we may be depriving the babes of a cat delicacy. But green, black, or both? hmmm.....
These kitties are also fond of pizza

fries and if you ever left a piece of KFC chicken unattended he will be gone with it!!

What an adorable image!
My friend once made a pork chop, left it on the counter to cool, & one of her 8 cats ran off with it!

He actually sits on the table and stares at me if I’m eating something he likes until I give in and share. He’s my lil fatty!

The guilt trip trick. Ah, yes, we know it well.

At least your nearly 3-yr-old babe has a *few* table manners. Princess Cathy (age 1.5 approx, a teenage mother) & her SoulMate, Jimmy, (not much older, a teen dad) had grown accustomed to my husband sharing a few pieces of whatever he's eating,especially...well, everything he eats, basically. Since I'm vegetarian, I'm only asked to share when I occasionally eat fish.

But the *3 kittens* have begun to walk onto the table when hubby's eating; Mini has actually put his paw on the plate! I usually guard him when he's eating, & he always saves something for all of them. Cathy (the mommy cat) gets special privileges, because she's his little girl kitty.
The other Night, my husband was soo hungry, & my back was hurting alot & I couldn't guard him well.....he actually went into the bathroom & sat on the bathtub to eat!
He only allowed CathyCat to come in with him, as her manners are better than those of her kids. When he was finished, he had left a few scraps; he opened the bathroom door & the 4 other cats fell in!

My girl kitty has no interest in people food though, the only thing she’ll touch other than her regular food is tuna.

A beautiful cat shared 12 years of her Life with me, from the time she was a kitten, until she passed in my arms. Aiki had the same eating habits as your girl kitty.

Do kitties have an inborn can opener instinct? I've seen this even with a handheld can opener (rather than electric.) One minute, I imagine
I might be able to make a surreptitious tuna fish sandwich; the next moment,
Jimmy, (the obese daddy cat) is in the sink waiting for me to drain the tuna oil, & the others are all closing in on me. I spread about 1/4 of the can on a plate for the 3 kittens, give Princess Cathy a bit on her favorite little pink lid, & I'm left with about 1/2 a can or so, which is enough. Who knows how long this Life is...We should really spoil these angels, shouldn't we?

My British in-laws say we're "daft" when it comes to our furry loves.

Thanks for writing about your furry babes. xxxCherylFaith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu

We do have here the case of another cat-gone-bad, do we not? Has he been drinking or....
what has he been imbibing?! LOL

Is alcoholism a common dis-ease in Tangers ( ginger kitties) ?


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