Help at MAC counter


Well-known member
Do MAC artist always apply the product on you or do they allow you to do it yourself? Sometimes the artists hand me a brush and the product and let me do it myself, but I notice with some other customers that they don't even give them the choice, they just go right ahead and apply the product to that customer. Is this because they can tell who needs help and who doesn't?


Well-known member
I think that maybe it depends on the store. I was a MAC counter the other day and i was looking at the sugarsweet collection and basically no one was helping me. The girl said she would be right with me and did end up showing me the eyeshadows but didnt even help or suggested having it applied on me. As for the lipsticks, she did swatches on my hands and didnt even bother pointing out where the wipes were (mind you, i really do not go to MAC often), which by the way were hidden behind the eyeshadows.. either way i found the girl to be a bit snobby.. bad customer service.


Well-known member
I read my customers to see who needs help, who is asking a lot of questions, who knows exactly what they want, who has never used the products, who mentions they are a new customer - if you dive right in and don't seem too receptive then I don't try to grab them and do it, if someone appears truly clueless or looks at me like "ok show me" then I do it for them. it also depends on how busy we are.....


Well-known member
Remember... they can't read your mind.

If you would like something, you need to ask them.


Well-known member
From my experience, they've always assumed that I want to put it on myself. Even after I say I'd like to try it on or elude to it, they still don't assume that you want them to do it for you, one time it seemed that the girl assumed I had a 129 brush in my back pocket! Not really, but you get the hint... It's like Blindpassion said, they can't read your mind, and I think for the most part they understand customers can get overwhelmed with the product, so they don't force it on you. But generally they don’t mind when you know what you’re doing, so I just help myself. Just yesterday I was at a mac counter looking for a lipstick and the girl even handed me the sanitizing beaker, and I went to town!

However, and I know this may be getting off topic, my only stipulation is when I want to swatch eyeshadows and blushes as I understand it’s unsanitary. I’ve seen threads where people complain about people putting their fingers in the eyeshadows, BUT a lot MA’s do it themselves and have no problem with you doing it either but I tend to ‘read’ the MA’s first, as to avoid overstepping my boundaries.


Well-known member
Well I don't actually need help applying them I don't mind them allowing me to do it myself, I was just curious. If I do need help with anything else I have no problem asking.


Well-known member
I visit my MAC counter fairly regularly, so the MA's have no problem with me doing it myself. If I'm uncertain about a color/product, then I ask for help.


Well-known member
It's a mix of both for me when I'm at MAC. But for the most part, the MA's apply the makeup for me. Then they'll hand me the brush so they can see how I'm applying things (they do this when I tell them I just can't get a certain technique or something down right) or to let me finish.


Active member
I've never had a MA put makeup on me at MAC; they've never offered. I'm kind of a control freak though and would probably decline anyway.


Well-known member
When I go into the pro store they'll greet me but they let me wander around and swatch products myself. If I ask for help then a MA sometimes applies a product on me while I hold a mirror. It kinda depends on the situation.