Help! Birthday gift for my man!


Active member
So my man is turning 25.... it's a big deal and i want to present sth unique... i was thinking about a dinner in a nice and extravagant restaurant and to present him a nice watch (frm diesel mayb...u knw classy) with our initials on it...since we are in a long distance relationship, with the watch he'll always have sth that reminds of me all the time.... what do u guys think... or any suggestions?
what did u buy for ur bf's bday


Well-known member
It's always a hard thing to choose! I think the clock idea is great, I was wondering the same some time ago, so one of a great advices I got was a football t-shirt from his favorite team with his name on it (if he is into football). Also, since you are in a lond distance relationship (I'm too) you may want something very simple, that he will use every day and what will remind him of you. Maybe just a t-shirt, something to wear.
Im into giving useful presents - maybe there is something he needs and he mentioned to you lately?
Also it's always great if you make a cd with music which is special for you guys, your fotos and something really personal