Help! Brush Virgin!

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so, i was thinking for christmas/birthday i was going to treat myself to some mac brushes.

i've browsed through the entries here about brushes, but i'm still not sure.

the products i use, for reference:
i use studio fix fluid, and stuido fix powder. i use mac bronzer for contouring, and powder blush for blush. i use neutral eyeshadows, and fluidline liner (i have the 266 brush). i'm not really interested in lip brushes.

so, basically, a brush for foundation (i heard the 109 is good?), a brush for powder, a brush for contouring, and a good blush brush. as for eye brushes, i really just want one to put on the shadow, and one to help blend shadows.

please help! thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Liquid and Powder Foundation: 109!!!!
Fluffy Powder Brush: 150 or 129
Packing on shadow: 239
Blending Shadows: 224



Well-known member
I only have three MAC brushes..

The 182 for buffing/blending/applying translucent powders. I'd HIGHLY recommend this brush, it gives an "airbrushed" look.

The 187 for stippling/blending on liquid foundation. Again, another secret for an airbrushed look. I also use this for cream blushes or the light application of powder blushes.

And the 219 crease brush, which has made such a difference in smokey eyes. It's good for blending, but I'd get an actual blending brush if that's what you want!


Well-known member
Hmm..I would suggest the 187 for the liquid foundation ..could also be used for the powder to set the face..I LOVE the 187 brush!!! Good for blush application as well!! For contouring..I would say the 168..perfect angled brush!! Again, this one could also be used for the blush as well for a more percise application. Definitely the 239 for the shadow..and a good all around crease and blending brush would be the 217. Another one that I would really recommend if you are new to brushes and are having a hard time getting your outer V to look the same on both eyes is to use the 228 (small shader brush) I have been using this little brush sooo much lately! Its perfect when you want to darken the shadow on your eye or to get a nice outer V on both eyes...HOPE THIS HELPS!!


Well-known member
I love the 116 for blush! It's smallish, which works well for my small features.
I was previously using the 168 which is an angled contour brush, and that works well.
If you wanted to only get one brush for contouring and blush, I'd say go with that.

I'd recommend the 252 for applying eyeshadow, if you're just doing a lid color.
For blending, I like the 224. For blending + applying eyeshadow, check out the 217. I love it so much, I have 2!


Well-known member
my personal preferences are:

for foundation: 194 for heavier coverage, 187 for a lighter coverage.

powder: 136. i find it softer and nicer to use than the 150 or 134. the down side is that is is pricier. if i'm using pressed powder the 187 also works quite well (not so good with loose powder though)

blush: i have a bloom blush brush that i absolutely adore. i also like the 168... and once again the 187 lends itself to this job too.

for eyes i'd go with the 213 (although the 239 is a better choice for dramatically packing on the colours) and the 217 for blending. if you like defining your crease i'd look at the 219 and 222 as well - which one you choose is your personal preference, if any. the 213 and 217 can be used for defining the crease as well.

my best piece of advice is to try and get to a counter or store and try the brushes first. let the MA know you are interested in buying, say, a blush brush and ask them to let you try using theirs - all of them. you won't know which one you prefer until you give them a shot. also try to test them on your face, not your hand. the skin on the face (especially eyelids) is a lot more sensitive, so you don't want to buy one only to find out it feels scratchy on your face.
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