Help! Dreaded application form Q. Cosmetic retail


Well-known member
I just got my application form through for Maxfactor. It has a few of dreaded usual suspect questions on it.

Think of a time you encountered a problem. What steps did you take to overcome it. What was the outcome?

I know how to answer the question in terms of. 1. This is the problem 2. I need to do this 3. I did such & such 4. this was the outcome. The problem is, thinking of a problem

I haven't worked in cosmetics retail before. I currently work in an office as an administrator/receptionist & PA (this is my only work experience). I really want something that could be semi relevant & use the same skills.

I reaally want this job, more than anything, so i'm trying to cover all bases & do they absolute best I can. I would appreciate any help whatsoever. Even problems that aren't directly specific, would help.


Well-known member
Don't worry so much on making it a problem that is related to the cosmetic industry. They're looking for your problem solving skills. As a receptionist/PA, I'm sure you've run across mishandled tasks, uncooperative customers. Just use your real experience to give them an answer. And good luck!!