help for a date....


I'm having a date in few days with a guy and this time he told me he wants to see me without make-up and dunno what to do
.I don't look that horrible without make up but I look pale and have a few blemishes here and there and dark circles.also my eye kinda looks ''naked' if you know what I mean.I'm thinking of going for a natural transparent make up look but dont want him to nottice.what products do you recommend or better what would you do in my place??


Well-known member
Depends on how long you've been seeing the guy, BUT I would honor his request with a few exceptions. Use concealer on the blemishes and a little eye brightener for the dark circles. Just make sure to blend well. I'm not all for a guy seeing me "au natural" until it's dark and we are both in the buff with nothing to hide and if he's lucky, he will wake up first the morning after. Otherwise, I'd hoof it to the bathroom before he rolls out of bed.

Girl about town

Well-known member
if you like wearing make up its up to you,personally i wouldn't have someone tell me what to wear on my face, i would feel so uncomfortable with a big bare face so i wouldn't do it just cos a guy told me to x


Well-known member
Haha.. if i was just dateing the guy id be like "good luck" not happening.. but now i have a boyfriend and i don't really care if he see's me with out make up on.. but when we first started dateing..i always wore it i don't think he seen me with out until we started living together!


Well-known member
Depends on how long you've been seeing the guy. If you've been seeing him for a long time, just go without makeup. =) You could wear just a bit of lip gloss if you want but I'd say keep the rest bare. I'm sure that he won't mind the little blemishes and the dark circles. If he's a good guy, he will understand. And if it was me, I'd just go with a lip gloss since I have good skin.

If you haven't been seeing him too long, just do a natural look. lol. If you continue dating him, he's going to see you without makeup eventually anyways.


the first time I wore foundation concealer a some brown eyeliner and a nude lipgloss.he commented that he liked it but also whats to see my real beauty this time.I'm afraid I'm gonna dissapoint him a past boyfriends were not staying with me so nobody saw me 100% bare and plus they didnt mention something like 'I wanna see you without make up'.thats y I'm a bit nervous...

Girl about town

Well-known member
its like you telling him to turn up with a beard or something because you like it! if you feel nervous about it don't do it. You obviously love make up ( as you are on spektra) So if he likes you he may as well get used to you wearing make up!


Well-known member
I think it's a legit request. Generally, I find guys prefer girls without makeup. Or prefer the very natural look.

Make sure you sleep right, make sure you drink plenty of water and your skin is glowing! Exercise also gives you a very natural glow which guys love.

If you're worried, use a bit of concealer, just go very very natural but remember to be yourself.

I suppose he wants to fall in love with you, just as you.

When my boy stayed over, I was worried he would see me without makeup however I thought, 'hey, he has to like me for me', so then it didn't bother me anymore. If he didn't like me without makeup, then he's not the guy for me. So now he has seen me without makeup and I am more comfortable with him than ever


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
May i ask why he made that request? Do you wear too much (in his opinion) or is it something else?

Ive actually found that most guys don't like it when girls wear makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Ive actually found that most guys don't like it when girls wear makeup.


I find that guys are always like "why are you putting that on your face :confused:" when they really like to see the real you.

You want a guy to like you for who you are anyway. Not what you look like.

Brave it and go natural! See how it goes. You won't regret the result, whichever way it goes.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Regardless of whether most or all guys like you not wearing makeup, you should do whatever you want. Life is way too short to do whatever some guy wants you to do, unless it's like do your dishes when you live together. Believe me that you'll be attractive to someone, whether you wear every color offered by MAC or go barefaced. To me, using the "most guys like a natural look" argument to not wear makeup is like how people used to argue that women should wear dresses, makeup, cook dinner, etc. to be more attractive to guys.

OP- If you don't feel comfortable doing this, then don't! Tell him that you prefer wearing makeup. I hope you're not fearful of going out of the house without makeup on, but you shouldn't just follow his requests blindly. However, if you choose to go along with this request, don't lie and just go barefaced. It isn't a huge lie, but I don't believe lying about things like that.


Well-known member
A couple of questions from the male perspective.

How long have you been dating this guy?

What's wrong with shaving your balls?


Well-known member
This is kind of a weird request from a guy. I would still go with a natural m/u look--unless you're going out on a date to play soccer or something, why do you need to not wear a thing
--my question is, where is he going with this request--is he going to start pouting when you get all dolled up for a night out; is he going to become passive aggressive about how you dress, style your hair?!? (I may be reading into this too much, so sorry if that's the case, but I am tired!!)

Granted, most of us are okay with being barefaced and the "morning" look with nothing on, especially if you are officially "dating"--but the first couple of dates?? no friggin way have I ever met a guy who would ask that!! LOL

As a "seasoned" LOL 30 something, most dudes may tell youthey like a "natural look" but don't have the slightest clue about what most of the products we use regularly are used for and how they really make us look so damn good--even with a "natural" look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiramisu
--my question is, where is he going with this request--is he going to start pouting when you get all dolled up for a night out; is he going to become passive aggressive about how you dress, style your hair?!? (I may be reading into this too much, so sorry if that's the case, but I am tired!!)

As a "seasoned" LOL 30 something, most dudes may tell youthey like a "natural look" but don't have the slightest clue about what most of the products we use regularly are used for and how they really make us look so damn good--even with a "natural" look.

I agree with this, totally. When I've dated a guy who got all pouty about me wearing makeup when we went out, I always read it as a sort of a dominance thing. He didn't want anyone else looking at me, he wanted to make sure he was in control of my appearance, et cetera...It came off as a 'sign of things to come' with regards to that sort of passive aggressive behavior. Your situation, of course, may be totally different! I'd watch out for any other sort of power plays in his actions, though, just in case.

As for the natural look, the above quoted is once again right on! Men, for all their words otherwise, like the looks makeup can achieve. If they didn't, wouldn't we see a lot more sex symbols go barefaced? The natural look to a man usually just translates to natural-ish: unnoticeable foundation, neutral shadows and eyeliner, mascara, and a little lipgloss. Subtle, I suppose. Some guys I know have described Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, et cetera, as girl's who don't wear a lot of makeup. Of course, we know that to be not true, but that's how they see it.

If you don't feel comfortable going out without a little touch of something on your face, than don't! Especially not just for some guy. If he really is a nice fellow, he'll understand you like wearing makeup and don't want to stop just because he said so.

Also, comedy shave his balls option.


maybe he is a a bit jealous and thats y.he told me once one he had a super hot girlfriend and everywhere they went together guys would turn their head and that he could't handle all the other male attention.its like one of my girlfriends whose boyfriend wouldn't let her wear miniskirts..male dominance thing I don't understand about guys is that often they find heavily make-uped celebs like pamela anderson to be sex symbols and super hot and still want to see the rest of us bare..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If he's that insecure, I don't think he is worth your time. What is he going to do when someone shows interest in you while you're barefaced? Make you wear a bag over your head?

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