HELP! I think I ruined Carbon


Well-known member
Hopefully this is the correct place for this, if not sorry and feel free to move it.

Okay so I was cleaning my pro palette case and normally I soak it in hot water, then clean the case itself so its not a nasty germ breeding ground. Anyway I sat down to clean up the excess makeup with eyeremover and noticed I left carbon in the palette, while it was submerged in water....

So what do I do?

Its still intacted, and just soaked. If I let it dry will it be okay?
What should I do!!!


Well-known member
My best bet is to let is dry and see what happens..I got my shroom e/s wet and i let it dry and it was never the same you might to have get another one..and Carbon is the best too

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
just let it airdry (not in a drawer and not face down or on a wooden ledge -- if possible on a wire rack so the bottom doesn't get rusted) and see what happens it should be ok.


Well-known member
Make sure that you let it dry out for at least 48-72 hours, mattes are wierd with water and just because the top is dry doesn't mean the middle is!


Well-known member
I did something like that to one of my shadows well many many years ago, it dried the top wasn't the same ever again however I scratched off the top of the shadow and it was fine, I would test it and see how it is before doing anything


Well-known member
personally i would cut your losses on it. only because you're not meant to get normal shadows wet... as another poster said. because the top is dry it won't mean that the bottom is. and if the bottom is even slightly damp mould could possible grow there

so because i'm really weird about germs and stuff i would chuck it out sadly.