Help me choose a purple shadow?


Well-known member
I've bought so many shadows that look purple but turn out violet on my lids which I hate, I want a shadow that's actually PURPLE, like deep red-ish purple, not even close to violet

Star Violet, Nocturnelle and Plum dressing all look nice in the pot, but which of these is the most purple? Or would some other shadow be better?


Well-known member
It sounds like Plum Dressing would be your best choice if you're looking for something bright. Nocturnelle would be a deeper toned down purple.


Well-known member
It isn't a MAC e/s but Shu Uemura ME purple 780 is oh-so purple!!! If you can get an older one and not the reformulated ones, even better. Or what about Infamous paint? Then again, you might consider those violet - they aren't similar to Plum Dressing, which I have.


Well-known member
Alrighty, thanks for your help :] I would just go to MAC and test them out but the nearest MAC is in another country, so... ;D

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
If you can get your hands on MAC's Au Contraire or Mystical Mist those are both very dark purples. Unfortunately they were both LE, MM with the Ornamentalism collection (Dec. 05) and AC with the Tempt Me, Tease Me collection which is from 2004 I think?
I think Nars has a deep purple shadow, and Urban Decay also, Make Up Forever I believe has a dark matte purple shadow, you can check them all out @ sephora!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by litlaur
You might also like Trax.

I have Trax, it's VERY violet :]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambi
I have Trax, it's VERY violet :]

Just thought I'd throw the suggestion out there. It's a warm plum on me, but I know it's one of those that looks really different on some people.

Anyway, I think Plum Dressing would be a good choice. Shadowy Lady if you want something darker.


Well-known member
plum dressing unless you can find mystical mist....and i wish trax showed up violet or even plum on me it's more brown than anything on me...weird.

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