Help Me Help Me Please Suggestions Needed!!!


Well-known member
Hi ladies!!! So my best friend is taking his architecture exam and sadly I'm not at home to give him an encouragement gift (I'm in Korea) and I want to send him a care package full of "good luck on your exam" things and I have NO idea what to send... His test is in 3 weeks and I need to put something together soon to send... ALL Ideas are accepted thanks in advance!!!


Well-known member
What type of things does he like or he's interested in?
does he like video games?


Well-known member
Korea got a lot of those 'good luck' charms for cell phones
That could be one of the gifts for sure. Unless he doesn't have a cell phone


Well-known member
Why don't you just send him some stuff from Korea, that he would never get a hold of where he is
it's always fun to get something that others don't have or can get their hands on. It can be everything from a t-shirt and some sweets....Good Luck to you both


Well-known member
He's into art and poetry... music... um... he's not a punk but he can be sensitive when no ones watching hes a "metro-sexual" guy and he's into sentimental things not so much expensive things...


Well-known member
maybe an architecture book
I'm a graphic designer and I always love when people show/give me cool books on design/history of design/trends in design..

I also agree about Korean-based stuff.. just so he knows you're thinking about him.


Well-known member
My brother is an Structural Engineer/Architect...How about
a nice pen set and a pocket journal
(he is forever taking notes, measurements and looking for pads)
Go Green Pencils for his sketches and sketch pads
Great Tape Measure
a nice wallet or money clip (he will be making big bucks soon)
Lots of Orbit/Breath Mints....My brother loves gum..he said he is always talking to people and is very breath conscious (he is metro too)

One of those good luck pocket stones...that say things like...determination, success, faith etc...

HTH ... these are just a few things we got for Chris.....


Well-known member
if he's into Art and poetry, maybe a nicely bound journal to write or sketch things? Maybe a book of cool poetry he might like?


Well-known member
I got him an aged Leather bound looking journal from barnes and nobel before I left with brass clasps he loved it!!! I really liked rachybloom and TISH1127 vbmenu_register("postmenu_1532090", true); 's ideas... Im going to get him a book full of Korean Architecture... and some of the stuff Tish suggested and the Korean teachers I work with helped me also!!! Thanks guys you rock and I'll love you forever lol