Help me identify the names of these glitters?

I hope I've posted this in the right place. I was going through my collection and realized that some of my pigments I purchased a few years ago have nothing identifying their names! And I'm not familiar enough with MAC to figure them out. So I'm hoping you lovely ladies can help me with the names of these so I can write them on there
I'm 95% sure that these are MAC, though there's a slight chance they may not be. Any help you can give would be appreciated. I just want to make sure I've got the right names.


The third one from the left on the bottom looks kind of blue/purple in the picture, but it's more of a silvery color.

Closer pictures here and here.



Well-known member
IMO I think that the colors are (from left to right):
TOP ROW: Copper, 3D Silver, Pink, Fuschia, Turquoise, Crystalled Pink (or 60s Neon), Chartruse (or lust dust - flash makes it hard to tell)
BOTTOM ROW:Light Green, Rocking Orange, Gray, Light Blue, Crystalled Lime, Blue

I am not entirely certain on the light blue one as the texture looks smaller than the light blue that I have.


Well-known member
*grabs glitter products to check*

When looking at my collection, they appear to be:

TOP, L-R: Either Reflects Copper or 3D Copper *, 3D Silver, Red or Reflects Rust**, Purplette (LE, came in a mini vial), Turquoise, Neon 60s (looks lighter in pic due to flash bounce, I'm guessing), Chartreuse

BOTTOM, L-R: Light Green, either Crystalled Orange or Rocking Orange (same colour released under two different names, Grey, Light Blue (maybe Reflects Turquatic), Crystalled Lime, Blue (well it looks like blue, but the particles seem too small. If the particles are microglitter, it might be Reflects Purple Duo).

* = If the glitter particles are larger and reflect multiple colours, then it is 3D Copper.

** = If the glitter particles are large it is Red, if they are finer it is Reflects Rust (which, btw, looks like nothing like rust. More a deep red)
Thanks to all 3 of you! With your help I've figured most of them out. There are 3 or 4 that I'm still not completely sure about, so I think I'll leave them unmarked for now instead of accidentally putting the wrong label on them. But thanks for your help!