Help me pick a puppy name!


Well-known member
We're on the verge of adopting a puppy - 5 months old, she's a Sheltie/ Dachsund mix. Her name is Sabrina right now.

Should we change it to:

Stormtrooper (Stormy)

Or something else completely? Or leave it as Sabrina?



Well-known member
If she's 5 months old already I would be very hesitant to change it. It would make training and adapting to your home that much more difficut.


Well-known member
As far as I know, she hasn't had it for very long (maybe a few weeks?) and she doesn't respond to *Sabrina* at all based on the time we've spent with her so far so we figured we'd probably be able to change it =)


Well-known member
I like stella! Of course, I always loved random boys' names for female animals. I valeted a car that had a dog in it (the famous "I'll be FIVE MINUTES, just leave the car running!) once. Well, the man had a heart attack in that five minutes. To make a long story short, he was fine but had to go in for open heart surgery, had no friends or family, and I ended up taking care of his dog. After a MONTH of having her (we called her Kyle and she loved it, I swear!) he took "Precious" back home. I miss her!


Well-known member
Thanks, everyone. My husband decided she is going to be called Shima, which apparently means island in Japanese - hopefully it suits her!

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