Help me pick out a paint pot to use as a base?


Well-known member

I want to get a paint pot to use as a primer/base.

I am NC 20

Which one should I go for or does it matter?

Soft Ochre or Painterly?

Edited to add, also, I have crepe skin, should I avoid paint pots? I was just doing research and saw a blog saying not to use it. If this is the case, can you suggest something else to make my skin look smooth??

Thanks in advance!


Soft ochre is yellow base, painterly is more pink toned. I bought painterly over the weekend and love it.
Depends on what you're going for. Like @lisaxxxx already said, soft ochre is yellow based and painterly is pink toned but both work just fine on almost every person. I have had painterly for the last 5 years and I wouldn't like to ever be without it but I also use soft ochre since I am more pinkish on my face and it is better to even out my skin on my eye lids ;) Hope that helps!


It depend on your skin undertones. If you have pink or cold undertones, you can use Painterly and if you have yellow or warm undertones, you can use Soft Ochre!