Help me use my blue peep!


I <3 fluidliners too! I use my blacktrack daily, but i cant find a use for my blue peep! I dont use ALOT of bright colors, my husband insisted i get it cause it seemed like a "cindy" color lol! What is the best way to use it without it being overly loud something i could use in an office setting and get away with it!


Well-known member
Someone did a tutorial with Sweetsage fluidliner on the lid as a base, Golden lemon pigment on the inner lid, Golden olive pigment on the crease and outer V with Blue peep as a liner. It looked fantastic!


Well-known member
What brush do you use for fluidlines as a base? They go on so dark as a liner and dry so quickly that I haven't attempted to use as a base yet. granted, I only have once I get my others, I want to try it out


I have been using the .... ummm... tan colored concealer type brush ( same as i use for paints ) I cant remember the number, it seems they are synthetic hairs. or i put a little on my finger with a brush and kinda rub it on, i know its kinda looked down on to do it like that, but it seems to go on a little smoother for me with some of the dark colors...


Well-known member
I haven't yet received mine, but I'm planning to wear it as a liner, applied with a liner brush, and then just use MAC Ingenue Blue as my shadow. It's a really nice turquoise, muted and not too 'loud' or bright. I don't think I'll use anything else in that particular combo, as I wanted a fairly uncomplicated look. Hope it's not too boring. Plus, my naturally olive complexion peeking out of the shadow seems to look really flattering, so can't wait to try. Love my veluxe shadows!


Well-known member
I have blue peep also. But I am having trouble appyling it right. can you guys give me some suggestions. Thx