Help me with my traveling! ;)


Well-known member
Hello beautiful people!

Okay so I very, very rarely travel, and in a few days I'm leaving for Colorado to visit family. I'll be there for twelve days and I need help with what to bring from all of my makeup!

I bought the Fafi Eyes 1 Quad last week on purpose so that I could take it with me, and now I'm looking for a couple shadows to bring with it. Here is, very specifically, what I'm looking for from all of you incredibly talented and resourceful ladies and gents:

What are a few (as in 3-6) eyeshadows that I can bring with me to use with my Fafi Eyes 1 Quad on my vacation? What would complement those four colors best? I don't mind really dramatic makeup at all, haha, so don't hold back

It doesn't have to be a certain brand, and I won't list all of the shadows I own here because that would take way too much time-basically, when I get responses, I'm going to look up those colors and see what I have that's the most similar.

Thank you all so much in advance!! You are really helping me pack, haha