Help needed..

Bella Donna

Hey everyone,
I was wondering should I buy the holidays eye brush sets (yesh, we still have them...)
I don't know how much I really need it... what do you think?

eye brushes I own-
208 (fluidline)
223 (hardly ever use it......)

brushes that I want from the set:
217... I can live without it
and theres also a brush that looks good for paint pots and concealer, and the 209 that is like- what the hell? I dont have a "taditional" eyeliner brush

so what do you say? you opinion really matters to me.



Well-known member
I don't think you should get it. The price of the two brushes you want are around the same price as the set but the regular brushes are much better quality. The only reason I think the brush sets are good is if you need small brushes to go in your purse for touch ups.


Active member
I totally agree. I hate SE brushes , their quality sucks! Go for 2 of the regular ones.

Originally Posted by Kristal_Uhles
I don't think you should get it. The price of the two brushes you want are around the same price as the set but the regular brushes are much better quality. The only reason I think the brush sets are good is if you need small brushes to go in your purse for touch ups.