Help!!! Phone estee lauder now?


Well-known member
I wandered into my estee lauder counter on friday and enquired about a counter job. The girl working there gave me the area managers number and so I called Saturday am. It went straight to a oicemail saying that she was on a training day. I left ia message and heard nothing. I called back this morning (Tuesday) to a message saying that today is the second day of 2 days of leave.

Should I call now and leave one more reminder msg? Or tomorrow morning when she *might* be back on her phone?

Hope to hear something, I don't want to waste time in trying to get an interview.



Well-known member
I'm not in the industry but i think you could wait until tomorrow afternoon and if by then you dont hear back call her. You dont want to be too persistant.


Well-known member
Thankyou, thats what I thought.... I don't want to come across too psycho MUHAHAHAHAHAAH