Help please!!


Well-known member
Ok so I started using this shampoo "Elements" by the salon where I get my hair cut. And Now I have DRY, ITCHY scalp!! It flakes soo bad its embarrasing. Ive never, ever had this problem before. I cant brush my hair w/o seeing huge flakes and it just makes me wanna cry!!

If you guys know of any good products (price doesnt matter at this point) please let me know. I have THICK black hair Thanks girls!


Well-known member
i have that problem too, but its weird because it is only sometimes ;; maybe if you go to a macy's hair salon or something like that you can just ask them and see what they can recommend you. or any other professional hair salon. hope that helps.


Well-known member
Head and Shoulders! they even have different formulas for various hair types now, so you might want to check 'em out.