Help Please


Well-known member
I know this is not the best place to put this but I wasn't sure where to put it.
how do i get the signature to show in my profile?? it currently says

The rest of your profile, and your signature will become visible after you've been active in the forums

And I have been active in the forums for the past few days.
Also where is the clearance bin that i have read about?
I am new to the site but i have been posting a few things.
Thanks for your help!!!


Well-known member
The Signature pops up after you've been a member and posting for a while, I think it showed up for me after 10 posts, but I'm not positive.
The clearance bin, you should have gotten a message about. But in short, you'll gain acess after 50 posts and 30 days membership.


Well-known member


Well-known member
I been a member since aug and have 40 posts but my signature is still not showing. i guess I just have to wait til I hit 50 posts
The Signature pops up after you've been a member and posting for a while, I think it showed up for me after 10 posts, but I'm not positive.
The clearance bin, you should have gotten a message about. But in short, you'll gain acess after 50 posts and 30 days membership.