HELP!! Spilled pigment on a favourite bag r/o


Well-known member
Ugh, I am the worlds biggest dolt. I spilled not only pigment, but, Nocturnal Plum on one of my beloved bags. Not even the side that is purple, but, a blend of pink and baby blue.

I decided to shake off what I could, but, I'm not sure how to get off what's left and seems rather attached. Any advice? Something that will remove the pigment, but, not ruin the cotton fabric of a $250 bag?

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-known member
I'm worried that would ruin the fabric
Maybe a non-oily one... hmm, WAIT, it just occured to me, I have brush cleaning wipes... I'm going to go try that!


Well-known member
You could try taking it to a dry cleaner and see if they could do it.
Goo Gone works for getting makeup out of clothes as a pre-wash treatment.


Well-known member
I say vacuum up as much pigment from the purse as possible and see how that goes before you try any liquid remover.


Well-known member
I agree...take that baby to the cleaners. You don't want to mess with it and ruin it. If you have a good dry cleaner in your area have them check it out and ask what they can do.


Well-known member
I would definitely stay away from any liquid products! If you have any of that Dust Off! stuff that you use to clean keyboards and stuff, that might work...or try to vaccuum it off, but that might grind it in more. Best bet is a dry cleaner.... Aww poor thing good luck!


Well-known member
oh yeah i was totally going to say use a vaccum cleaner, i think that'd be your best bet at first. put it RIGHT against the fabric so it's at it's maximum suckage power
but don't rub it back and forth. instead, put it against it, let it suck for awhile, pull it off, put it against another spot, etc etc.

if that doesn't work, then take it to a dry cleaner. DONT use anything wet or it WILL smear it right into the groves in the fabric!


Well-known member
when I do something like that, which I did last week all over my carpet and traincase, I vaccum what I can then try to wipe the remaining powder up with a damp or dry cloth.