help with neutral colors


i've been looking through a bunch of forums (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and here at specktra) and the majority of the posts say that the top neutral shadows are:

  • shroom
  • vex
  • retrospeck
  • vanilla
  • nylon
  • all that glitters
  • satin taupe
  • mulch
  • dazzlelight
  • ricepaper
i already own amber lights, soba, twinks, hoodwinked, naked lunch, honesty, and some others.

but out of that list, are there are any that are so alike i could only get one? i'm kind of on a budget.

also, if there is a shadow that isn't on the list that you think should be, let me know.

PLEASE HELP! thanks in advance.


Well-known member
sorry I'm no help but I'm totally in the same situation as you lol trying to build up a neutral palette but I'm on a budget and wanna get only the a few. You got a great little list so far (helps me out a lot too)


Well-known member
If you were only going to get one, I'd say Satin Taupe. It's very versatile... I use it with many colors and as a lid or crease shade. It's just a must-have in my book.
I like all the ones you mentioned except Retrospeck (because it's a Lustre) and Ricepaper (because I don't have it).
Ones you didn't mention that I love: Wedge, Handwritten, Copperplate, Naked Lunch, Jest.


Well-known member
if you're asking about what colors look almost alike,, i must say, technically, none....

but since i'm not professional makeup user and i don't use eyeshadow normally.. i tend to skip the colors that simply similar in some way... for example,, highlighter color... i tend to skip ricepaper if i already have shroom... the same goes with nylon.. but nylon is still a lot different with shroom... it's a matter of preference... i only have three highlighters which are gesso, shroom and phloof!.. shroom is a sheer one while phloof! has a slight pink tint into it... i would suggest getting only two highlighters if you're on a budget... go with shroom and nylon...
you may also wanna get a good matte white color like gesso... vanilla is also good to have...

and then go with a soft color like naked lunch or all that glitters... i must say skip all that glitters tho... and uhm... you need to have a light brown color that is 1-2 shade darker than your skin tone.. preferably, cork, wedge, soba etc... i use cork though.. this is good to get into the crease.. oh you also need a color that is the same color as your skintone (i know..).. i use brule / bisque...

and then... a good matte dark brown color like espresso... you can also try twinks (which you have) and embark.. other colors that you SHOULD have because they are just SIMPLY AMAZING are satin taupe, woodwinked and amber lights.... trust me... those colors are just amazing...!! so versatile.. they are not matte color.. i think around satin and veluxe pearl...

for a bronze color, go with either bronze or mulch... those colors are not the same i must say,, but both work the same...
