Hey Everyone I'm new

hello everyone, I am totally happy that I stumbled across this site! So I decided to since it looked like such a great community.Anyways my name is Jenessa and I'm from Canada so I just thought I would introduce myself before I started posting in the boards.

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Miss Jenessa, what a beautiful name.

Enjoy our gorgeous community!!

See ya around!!!


New member
Good Afternoon Jenessa and all the other ladies on this forum,

My name is Jacquelyn and I just currently joined myself. I never been one to wear make-up but I have started to love make-up due to the fact that it enhances a woman's beauty. My goal as a make-up artist is to become a top professional celebrity artist and work on films and run ways. I love this site because I can get a better feel as to where people are in this industry and what concerns them most. In this field you have to be willing to invest in yourself and able to handle the fierce competition. You all have a blessed day and Janessa, WELCOME TO SPECKTRA.