Hey everyone!

Bella Donna

I'm new at Specktra and in the makeup world..
I was wondering if you could recommend me for some eye shadows combination for me..
I'm nw20, light brown hair, blue eyes and very black eyebrows (have no idea how that happend!!

So, if it is not a big trouble for you.... hmm. thanks!

(And please forgive me if I have any spelling\grammer mistakes..)


Well-known member
it depends on what style you're looking for...are you looking for a bright look, or a more toned down natural one?


Well-known member
i have the same coloring, but my brows are lighter...

some that i use often are (lid/crease/highlight, unless otherwise stated):
- Satin Taupe or Romp/Gleam/Nylon
- Trax/Red Violet/Dazzlelight + Woodwinked in the very center of the lid, on top of everything
- Golden Olive/Expensive Pink/Dazzlelight
- Goldmine, Gorgeous Gold, or Gold Dusk pigment/Green Brown pigment/Pink Opal pigment
- Kid/Shale/Vanilla
- Seedy Pearl/Swish/Vex

line these with either the crease color or something else that you prefer...+ mascara