Hi all, looking for an MUA mentor


Well-known member
Hello everyone. I'm new to posting but I signed up about a week ago. I am a senior at Virginia Tech (one semester to go!!) and I decided that I want to scrap my Biology major and become a freelance makeup artist. Poor little Blacksburg, we have nothing more than a CVS and a Belk with 3 makeup counters (no MAC

I am desperately seeking out any and all information on becoming an MUA. There is no one here in my area and I need so much help. I want to find someone who has been working in the artistry field for a while who would be willing to answer questions and just generally be there to email or help me out. If you know anyone who you think might be willing to help out, please let me know.

Otherwise I am a new wife and mother, my husband just arrived home 3 months ago after an 18 month deployment to Afghanistan. Our daughter was born in the middle and he made it home at 10:30 PM the night before she was born.

I love makeup, always have and always will. I used to lug around my entirely crappy collection when I was younger to places I would never wear it (family beach house, florida trips to see grandparents etc). Then college came into the picture and I got wrapped up in everything but makeup. I was still called upon frequently to help out my friends from around my dorm on special nights and picture days.

Now my makeup addiction has hit me, one again, with full force. I am desperate to try any and all colors, I want every eye shadow ever made, and I want to read everything there is on this subject we call beauty. I am overwhelmed sometimes with the amount of knowledge I have been copletely ignoring on the internet and I am trying to catch up.

I recently discovered MAC after reading some reviews a long time ago on the subject of the emplyees etc. But I got over that very quickly.

Anyway, if you're still reading, thanks. You all are my inspiration.



New member
Welcome... I'm sure that there will be many people here who will be able to answer any questions you may have... you may want to post questions in the MAC MA section of in General Makeup Discussion maybe and get more responses!!! Good luck with everything hun!!! Hope to see ya round the forum


New member
Welcome to Specktra Michelle!

You might want to check out this forum.
It's under MAC chat

It's really more info about becoming a MAC makeup artist but it might get you started.

As the lovely Sexy has pointed out you can always ask questions in the General Makeup Discussion forum if you have questions about other types of makeup artist.

Happy to have you with us and hope to see you around the forum!


Well-known member
Hi Michelle, please do join us in the forums! Hopefully you'll find it very helpful in achieving your dreams.


Well-known member
Hey Michelle and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have everyday!
