Hi from Belgium


I have discovered this site a week ago.

And wow!
This site is fantastic!

For the moment I'm still exploring the site, to find the answers to all my questions.

Thanks to everybody for all that great information!

(and sorry for my english)


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra! You will love everything you see here! And you in Belgium are very fortunate to get The Stylistics collection, here in The netherlands we won't! But that's a good excuse to visit Antwerp!


Well-known member

I may be moving to your neck of the woods soon. You can fill me in on the MAC news in that area.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tinkerbelle2001
Welcome to Specktra! You will love everything you see here! And you in Belgium are very fortunate to get The Stylistics collection, here in The netherlands we won't! But that's a good excuse to visit Antwerp!

Strange that they don't launch Stylistics in Holland. It must be something like Novel Twist not being launched in Belgium. In any case, I hope you get your hands on the collection. And if I can suggest a tip: the Antwerp store is usually very busy when a new collection comes out, so it's always a good idea to go there the first weekend of a launch, good luck


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore

I may be moving to your neck of the woods soon. You can fill me in on the MAC news in that area.

There's a store in the center of Antwerp. That's the only one for the moment. I've heard some rumours about a second one in Brussels. And in the near future they told me that the Antwerp store would become a Mac Pro store.
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore

I may be moving to your neck of the woods soon. You can fill me in on the MAC news in that area.

It's true, there's only one store in Belgium (Antwerp).

A Mac store in Brussels would be great! ("bartp" I hope you 're right)

But if you are moving to the area of Brussels. We have a fast Thalys (Railway) connection to Paris. And there are al lot of places where you can buy Mac items. (that's what I do, because the Antwerp store is always to crowded).


Well-known member
Hi there! You can check out the MAC Europe chat section if you want information pertaining to your area.