Hi from Toronto =o)


Well-known member
Hey everyone;
I've just signed up, and reading through the posts I've already learned a lot! I'm honestly not great with makeup, although I love all the looks that you've come up with and seeing the pictures, they are so creative and you all look so gorgeous! I'm hoping to learn what sort of colours will work on me because I still haven't learned and haven't really branched out to the unknown but I'm willing to be a bit adventurous now! I look forward to getting to know some of you better!

SO thanks for having me! Let the learning begin (God I should know how to do makeup at 29! haha)



Well-known member
Hi Cheryl, welcome to Specktra! I was just telling another new member about how late a bloomer I was too (started using makeup at 23!), and oh the learning never stops!


Well-known member
Nice to see all these lovely toronto girls..and thanks to all of you for making me feel welcome. I have some MAC on order, but I'm a little nervous about application (especially with the pigments). I have been reading up on all the tutorials and they look easy - key word being "look". haha. I'm going to do lots of practicing at home first before going out in public ;o)

I guess I should ask the experts - Could I ask for some recommendations on colours? I have blue/green eyes, strawberry blonde hair, fairly pale ivory type complexion with a few freckles. Any replies would be MUCH appreciated!


Well-known member
Welcome from Richmond Hill! I'm not that great with recs outside my own colouring (even within! =P), so I'll leave that for the experts. One suggestion is to check out the FOTD's, if you haven't done so yet. Wonderfully creative juices flowing there. =)


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to Specktra! If you need some help choosing colors & such, we have a recommendations forum that's just for questions like that, so if you want to post them there I'm sure you'll get alot of help!