Hi - Got an icon for "clueless"? <- (me...)


Hi from L.A!

I love makeup, & this is the first year I've ever even known about all the beautiful special palettes, sets, and other goodies MAC & other high-quality cosmetics lines put out for the holidays! I don't want to miss any of it - or any new MAC hereafter - so it was definitely time that I joined Specktra.Net!

I'm hoping to learn a lot & keep up on new products (I've usually been the last to know!), and really, just to "hang out" with people who love makeup & like to talk about it... see what everybody's got to say... (though I haven't a clue how posting in a forum like this one is done, hope this will be the first forum I've joined & actually post in beyond the intro
- so bear with me on the html & stuff...?).

Now that the smoky local air's cleared up and our lovely red eyes & noses have returned to their normal states, Angelenos get to use makeup again! What better way to start?
-- Selkie


Well-known member
Hi Selkie!
Welcome to Specktra, it's a pleasure to have you on the forum.
Let us know if you need anything.