Hi! Newbie from Dallas here


Well-known member
Actually been lurking and have posted 1 or 2 comments here & there but wanted to introduce myself. I'm a trained artist living in Dallas and just stumbled upon the site looking for swatches one day and never left! It's a great source for info & tips. Great tutes on here and wonderful suggestions and help! Looking forward to making it through as many topics as I can.

Take care,


Staff member
Welcome Lisa!!


Well-known member
Thanks all! This is about the friendliest forum around. I appreciate the welcomes and all the great information that ya'll put out on the boards.


Well-known member
So glad that you are here!!!! Welcome to Specktra! Soooo......have you made a visit to the pro store that opened recently in Dallas? and if so please share


Well-known member
Oh yes! I'm lucky enough to live about a mile from the largest shopping center in Dallas and it contains the MAC pro store, Sephora, Nordies, Neimans, Aveda, Bath & Body Works and Barny's is opening in the Fall. I resist the call to stop every day! lol

The Pro Store here is is very nice though I usually only go when there's a major launch. I don't know if all pro stores are laid out this way but it's cheek colors, e/s's, l/s's, pencils, (mostly color on the right) and foundations along the left side of the store.

It's usually crowded on weekends but during the week it's a snap to get in and out of.

If you ever find yourself in Dallas and you're a MAC addict (or a make-up addict for that matter) a trip to the NorthPark Pro Store is a must!


Well-known member
I haven't gone to Northpark. :/
I'm close enough to the parks at arlington to where I never think about going to Northpark.


Well-known member
It's a beautiful place to shop with SO many options for retail product choices - just wonderful stores. It's worth the trip over just to visit. I was just in Arlington a couple of months ago for the aesthetics show that was held there. You're only a hop & skip from Dallas. Come visit!