Hi there!

Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums and thought I'd just introduce myself!
I'm in the UK, currently a student and working part time in Lush. Make-up is just a hobby of mine, I like experimenting with colours and textures.
I'm kinda new to what I call "real makeup" and "real techniques", it's only in the past year or two that I've been watching people on youtube to pick up tips for my face-shape and skin-tone, and I read temptalia's blog for a lot of recomendations.
Since watching youtube/reading blogs, I have saved myself a lot of money because I'm only buying things that look amazing in swatches and have good reviews, so I'm not buying things that don't work anymore!
I have to say that they are such enablers though... My nail polish collection is beyond controlable!

Soul Unique

Well-known member

My friend, I'm afraid you have now entered ENABLER Central lol...watch that collection grow and grow before 2011 is out!

*hehe* all jokes aside, I hope you enjoy the forums!!! I love LUSH!!!
Thanks for the welcome!! You're right about this place enabling, I want the Wonder Woman collection now! However, everyon's comments seem really helpful so instead of thinking I want something and then going and buying it, I'm reading comments and seeing what other people think instead!