

Hi beauties, I’m a NC 20 with yellow undertone, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Any recs for highlighters for face and nude lipsticks that won’t wash me out? TIA!


Well-known member
i would say, nars albatross, shimpagne msf, or soft and gentle msf, or the by candlelight msf that's coming out this summer... but i'm no expert.

for lips, creme de nude, hue or angel(is a bit darker), naked by urban decay is nice too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cky
Hi beauties, I’m a NC 20 with yellow undertone, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Any recs for highlighters for face and nude lipsticks that won’t wash me out? TIA!

Have you tried MAC's irridescent pressed powder in belightful? or delicacy is even lighter.

for lips, try myth


Well-known member
For cheeks highlighting, NARS Albatross or Dior's highlighters. For all over face, Guerlain Meteorites (Which cost a lot but will last you literally FOREVER).

My favorite nudes are Siss and Freckletone, Freckletone being my top favorite. It's kind of peachy so it won't wash you at all all. It's amazing. Myth however I think WILL wash you out.


Well-known member
im an NC15 and i love either soft n gentle msf, silver aura mineral powder (if you can get your hands on it), or new vegas msf.

my favourite nudes are blankety, fleshpot, 3N (if you can get it), YSL rouge voulpte in #2, hue, creme de nude - so many more. i love nude lips


Well-known member
My fave highlighters are MAC By Candlelight MSF and Everyday Minerals Wet Sand blush. For nude lips, it's gotta be Creme D'Nude! I love it, goes with everything!