Holiday Brush Set "Stash Box" Info


I've been dying to find out what brushes are in the "Stash Box" mentioned in one of the holiday threads here on Specktra.

I had a Live Chat with MAC online tonight and here's what they told me:

Chris: Hello! I had a question about the Brush Sets for the upcoming holiday collection.

Sara: Hi Chris! How can I help you today?

Chris: What is the "Stash Box" set I've heard about? What brushes does it include?

Sara: The Stash Box is this year's version of the brush set packaged in a box (not a brush case) that is sold at freestanding MAC Stores every holiday. It contains the following brushes (short handle): 129, 219,239,266,316. It's a fabulous gift!

Chris: Oh! So it's just the basic black brushes in a box? =)

Sara: No, it's a ornately designed box--you'll be able to see the visuals online and in-store around Oct 20th. Actually, your MAC Store is probably pre-selling it, so you can view it sooner than that. The design is Asian-inspired--very detailed and pretty.

Chris: I've seen pictures of the Oriental-themed Brush Cases, so I guess it'll look something like that. Do you know if the brushes themselves would some sort of Oriental "design" as well?

Sara: I'm not sure--I think there is a design on the handle.

Chris: I can't wait to see them now! Thank you so much for all the helpful info.

Sara: No problem! I'm excited for you to see the holiday sets--I know you'll like them.

Chris: Thanks! Bye!

I want to see pictures of this Stash Box now! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chris
I want to see pictures of this Stash Box now! =)

me too!
gah, i had a live chat earlier this week and she said she couldn't tell me

but thanks so much for this!!


Well-known member
Thanks! You rock! I was trying to get info on this box as well.

Just curious, though, I'm sure that someone said there would be 7 brushes in the stash box. Is that not happening anymore?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shygirl
Thanks! You rock! I was trying to get info on this box as well.

Just curious, though, I'm sure that someone said there would be 7 brushes in the stash box. Is that not happening anymore?

yeah i'm *sure* it was 7 originally, i made a post in lj about it and it changed to 5:S typo i guess


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trishee03
I wish they were different brushes...I have all of those except the 219

i have none EXCEPT the 219..theeeheee

Ms. Z

Well-known member
The brushes in the stash box are the same ones that are in the Teal brush set except that they are in a box instead of that really cute bag the Holiday Set comes in. It's also about $9.00 cheaper.