How can I get my eyelashes to stay curled??


Well-known member
Okay, so my eyelashes are rather SHORT. And I use Shu Uemura eyelash curler, and it stays curled if there's no mascara on them. As soon as I add mascara, they stick straight forward. Do I curl it again with the mascara or what? Someone help please. =(


Well-known member
Yeah, if you wait for your mascara to dry, then do it, it helps.

But the best way to get them to stay is heat your eyelash curler up with your blow dryer. Just be really, really careful lol. And don't heat it up TOO hot. Just warm.


Well-known member
Try a curling mascara. My lashes are stick straight as well even after curling then applying mascara. I use the sky high curves mascara by Maybeline. I think it works great


Well-known member
A mascara base might help. I use Shiseido, and that really helps the curl stay. See, I have long, thick eyelashes, but they REALLY like staying straight as a stick! So, when I curl them, I need that mascara base, otherwise they'll droop within minutes.


Well-known member
waterproof formulas I find don't 'uncurl' my lashes as much. i also suggest applying a very very light coat first, then allowing it to dry before applying another coat.


Well-known member
Definitely try heating the curler first. You can run it under hot water, use a blow dryer or just breathe warm air onto it for a few seconds and hold it in your palm. that really helps the curl stay in my experience!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stephbunny
waterproof formulas I find don't 'uncurl' my lashes as much. i also suggest applying a very very light coat first, then allowing it to dry before applying another coat.

I agree with stephbunny!

I had the same problem as you. I have long thick lashes, that I love, but every time I would curl them (with ANY kind of curler, heated, small ones, etc) they would fall straight once mascara was applied. This never occurs now that I switched to waterproof mascaras. And a plus is that not only does it keep my lashes curled, they last from day to night. I would try Maybelline Full n Soft waterproof.

just make sure to use a proper eye makeup remover. I love Almays Eye Makeup remover pads for waterproof


Well-known member
I get my eyelashes permed! It takes about 20 minutes for the process and it lasts 2 months. I love it !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Renee
I get my eyelashes permed! It takes about 20 minutes for the process and it lasts 2 months. I love it !

Awesome! Can I ask how much it costs?