How can I save a lipgloss I used when sick?


Hey! I hope I'm posting this in the right area. I got really sick about a week ago, and I broke out in shingles all over my mouth/ chin. Hours before I started breaking out I used one of my favourite glosses- but now I feel like I've contaminated it and I'm afraid to use it again! Is there anything I can do to save it, or should I chuck it? I don't want to get myself sick again!


Well-known member
I really think you should throw it away. Shingles, well viral issue so yes sadly enough you have to.


Staff member
Toss it. You don't have much choice, really. If it's a permanent product, you can always replace it. :nod:


Well-known member
I'd throw it out, you can always replace it if it's not LE. If it is Ill be happy to help you find a dupe for it


I'd throw it out, you can always replace it if it's not LE. If it is Ill be happy to help you find a dupe for it
I do believe the shade was permanent but I can't remember the name off the top of my head, the name came off a while ago! I believe it was a cremesheen formula, released two years ago in one of those holiday lipgloss sets, and I think it was rereleased last year too. Its a very light, pale pink. Sorry if this doesn't help!