How did you get hooked on MAC?

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So what made you become such a fanatic?
How did it all begin? Was it a certain product that cought your eye and made you go back for more? Someone told you about MAC?

Mine all began in the mid 90's when my aunt gave me 2 eye shadows, a brush and a lip liner. Those were the only products I had by MAc unitl late 2004 (!) when my local mall was remodeling a store and on the outside said "Coming Soon - MAC Cosmetics". Fore some reason, I got excited and knew I wanted to go when it opened. Then a few days later, I saw the Jewel palettes on tv...I loved what I saw and went to the store when it opened. I've been "hooked" since!


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I guess it was when I first got the internet in the mid-late 90's and having been in makeup all my life but having a limited choice here in my home town (all we had was Lauder, Clinique, Lancome), I was able to see other smaller or niche lines like MAC was at the time. I just read alot about them and deceided the products looked cool and wanted to try them so I did and I was hooked ever since. I tried a few lipsticks and shadows to start with but my first real "favorite" LE thing was the Snake Eyes collection, which stupid me sold on ebay like 4 years ago and I've been kicking myself ever since!


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it all started thanks to my sister (who is a year younger than me). she got addicted to it over 12 years ago (she was about 13), because that's what "the stars were using". she always dragged my family & me to MAC stores/counters, and while in a MAC store in NY once, i had an MA apply tilt e/s & frost pigment on me- which i then bought (my first MAC items!). since then i would always buy a few things every once in a while, but the real addiction began a few years ago.


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my first macwas twig lipstick back in 8th grade, which was almost 8 years ago. i loved it my freshman year of high school, but couldn't really afford all that much,as i had no job or credit card at that point, nor did my parents really support my makeup habit. once i had money of my own, i bought somre more of it, but got more into the REALLY expensive stuff, such as NARS and chanel. i continued buying MAC, but it was only a couple items here, a couple items there. i stumbled accross the LJ boards over the summer of last year, and thats when it really got bad. in the past 8 or so months, i have literally spent a couple thousand on MAC, because i've been buying the LE stuff, the permanent stuff, and the discontinued stuff. ebay/LJ/specktra have all been VERY bad for me, because i spend so much online wihout realizing it. i've sold or cut back on all other brands, and now am devoted entirely to MAC...

the most frustrating thing is, if i had kept all my old MAC stuff, i would have had a lot of valuable stuff, because i had some of the old silver lipstick tubes, several OLD quads, and even a couple screw-off top eyeshadows. i threw them out cause they were "old", little did i know i'd want them back one day to have as collectors items.


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I started last year. After giving birth I had severe acne problem all over my face, I was feeling so down. I joined my local forum and got hooked on all the raves about MAC. After my skin cleared up a bit I started buying MAC to make me feel better, then I found this forum, my stash just exploded.


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my sister and i stumbled upon our mac counter in 99 and the ma's just started looking at me and it creeped me out so we ran away lol and then she (my sister) dragged me back the next day the same ma's were there and came up to me and were like 'where are you from and what is your ethnicity' and then they made fun of how we ran away the day before and i bought foundation and mascara and my sister bought a couple colors... and mac has been together with my sister and i ever since...but all credit goes to my sister she taught me everything i know and taught me to love makeup and all that juice


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I remember I found the MAC site somehow and I kept looking at it for HOURS and HOURS
Since there is no MAC store in Belgium, the first time I was in Amsterdam I went looking for the MAC counter and bought one eyeshadow (Krisp).
I wore that eyeshadow for more then two years LOL.

Now I'm an addict


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I was looking for a liquid eyeliner that I could actually use successfully (I can't draw a straight line for anything!), and kept reading about Fluidlines last March. Then I read about Shade and went for it. The rest is history. It hasn't been a year yet, and I have 4 15-pan palettes, endless quads, most of the Fluidlines, several Glitter liners.

I can finally resist the new collections! It was hard getting that monkey off my back!!


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I actually used to be SUCH a tomboy. Very anti-make-up except for the lipsmackers. Then my best friend became a freelance MUA. She now lives in NY/Miami and has had many celebrity clients. When I go visit her, she likes to do my make-up and it's all been downhill from I'm addicted too!!


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I've used make-up for about 10 years now, there was a time I was actually happy with brands like L'oreal and Maybelline... But then I tried MAC's eyeshadows and holy ****, the hundred thousand [haha] colors, the staying power, how pigmented they are, how generally awesome they are... I'll never use drugstore eye shadows again [not because they're drugstore eyeshadows but because I'm my opinion nothing compares to MAC's shadows], that's how I got addicted. I still love my L'oreal and Max Factor foundations, but if MAC makes it, I will want to try it ;]


I had walked by the MAC store in one of the local malls for years before finally deciding to go in. Before that, I used to only wear make-up when I was on stage (I used to act) and the rest of the time I was a "tomboy" who stayed away from makeup all together. Then I went inside, bought an eyeshadow, and have been hooked ever since


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My sister-in-law came to visit from California, and brought about 5 of her shadows with her. I became hooked instantly and since she was here in Jaunary, I have purchased 16 eyeshadows of my own, and my wish list is growing and growing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kat
E Y E S H A D O W S.

So many colours....*drools*


*double drool*
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