How do you get curls like this? [picture included]


Well-known member
I was wondering how to get curls just like this:


If you have any idea, please reply!


Well-known member
I would say....hairspray BEFORE you curl your hair... take a small section of hair, make sure it is detangled, and spray the whole length with hairspray, preferably something with maximum hold or a freezing hairspray (not dripping wet) and then wrap it around a medium barreled curling iron. DONT brush through (brushing through will loosen it to a more natural curl/wave) simply finger style the ends AFTER your hair has cooled completely otherwise the curl might not last as well. Just be careful if you have very light blonde hair. I do, and sometimes when i spray my hair and then curl it, the barrel turns my hair pinkish purple in some places. but i think its a chemical reaction to my curling iron. i hope that works for you. Im much better with makeup than hair but thats how i get that type of curl.


Well-known member
Oh ok! Yeah, I looked at some YouTube tutorials on ribbon curls.

Any suggestions on products to use? Should I let my hair air dry?
Should I put some scrunching mousse in it? Or smoothing balm?


Well-known member
I would suggest using a spiral curler, I think that is key. Also, like others have mentioned, use some kind of spray beforehand to help the curls last. Also spray hairspray AFTER for maximum hold. So spray before + after.