how do you keep the spark alive??


Well-known member
Well ladies, I need your help. My boyfriend and I just celebrated our two year anniversary in April and have spent the last 3 months living together. Needless to say the honeymoon phase is over. I love him very much as I know he does me. My question is how to do you keep it exciting. We've talked about ways to do this but I'm looking for some other suggestions. How do you keep your relationship with your significant other exciting? I don't want comfortable to turn into boring.


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I will be celebrating our 6 yr. anniversary next month. To keep things fresh & exciting we still make sure to have 'date night' at least twice a month. Sitting at home & cuddling is great but getting all dressed up & going out still keeps things fresh. As far as keeping things exciting in the bedroom, my pole dancing classes added a new spark there

For anyone wondering we have lived together for 5 out of the 6 years we have been together.


Well-known member
^ I agree with date night November 09 I celebrated my 2 year marriage anniversary and we lived together almost 2 years prior...Just make time for each other...wear your sexy negligee...We spend a lot of time together...and we are very spontaneous...we don't get into habits of doing things at the same time the same way....Just basically be good and sweet to each other most of the time...It is not gonna happen all the time...but if you shoot for most of the time you will be good. I surprise my dh with candle light dinners, etc...


Well-known member
In addition to the wonderful things said above try to do really nice spontaneous things. Pick up or cook his favorite dinner, rent a movie out of the blue; there doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason to them, they are just sweet things to do that keeps things interesting and fun!


Well-known member
I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years this June, and we've lived together for 4 years. I find (as lame and cliche as this sounds) that the best thing to do is acknowledge that a good relationship takes work and commitment just like anything else and be very open and communicate.

With that in mind, I tell my bf when our romantic life or sex life is a little dull and we talk about things we can do to spice it up. I wholeheartedly agree with date night. It's fantastic to get dressed up, have him ring the door bell and "pick me up", and go on a date that took some thought and try hard to find out more about each other (which gets more challenging after 7 yrs). If you have the resources, small weekend trips are fantastic... even if it's just to a small neighboring cities' B&B. It's really all about variety... surprising each other is so easy and unexpected because by living together you have expectations that can easily be shaken up with just a jolt of the unknown.

Also, I've learned to not keep score on who does or plans more for each other... we all have our strengths... I'm generally more creative and more sensitive than my partner and so I tend to plan more things, but what I see in return is that it inspires him to reciprocate and I reap the benefits of feeling good by making him happy and then feeling good when he makes me happy in return.


Well-known member
I have been with my BF for almost 5 years. The one thing above all else that keeps it interesting for us both is just staring at each other. I know that sounds silly, but everytime I look at him, and I mean really look at him, I am reminded of all the reasons that I am crazy for him. It just makes me want kiss him, smile, be grateful and laugh all at the same time... and that is something that can never get boring!


Well-known member
i have been dating my bf for four years. as years go by, you're right we get more comfortable with each other and i always fear that i might be neglecting him without me knowing it and so i try to do these every now and then:

*ask for his help - guys need to feel needed...that's why i always ask for my bf's opinion on stuff that i know he likes discussing or he's really into. you don't have to pretend here lol.

* get involved with his other interests - if he likes sports, try to know at least the jargons or when his favorite game is and surprise him by going to the game or something. speak his language.

* surprise him! - whatever you think he'd really like. or go travel somewhere, try something new. that'll keep the spark alive.


Well-known member
thanks ladies these are all great ideas. i'll for sure be using them. keep the ideas coming if anyone else has anything to share.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Everyone has great recommendation. I'll add mine as well. Btw, My husband and I have been married 2 years and been together for about 7.

1. Definitely have date nights. Make sure it's not always the same person planning them though.
2. We do random adventurous things. Like just drive away to a town we've never been to and see what we find there.
3. Cook together, it sounds weird but it really makes your bound stronger and a boring activity more fun. Def try making something like pizza.
4. Have a life outside of just the two of you. When all you have is each other, you also get tired of each other quick.
5. Make time to be intimate without having sex. I mean great sex is awesome, but I find just cuddling, kissing,...without moving on to sex also helps the two ppl connect and keep the love alive



Well-known member
i love spontaneity! you two should just randomly do something. it'll be fun. it doesn't even have to be fancy. my bf loves to take random walks around the neighborhood at night when the crickets are out and the stars are in the sky. we'll talk about anything and everything. it's nice and romantic.
if you wanna do something more formal, go out on a random dinner. nothing has to be planned so just do whatever you feel like. it'll keep the spark alive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kdemers1221
Well ladies, I need your help. My boyfriend and I just celebrated our two year anniversary in April and have spent the last 3 months living together. Needless to say the honeymoon phase is over. I love him very much as I know he does me. My question is how to do you keep it exciting. We've talked about ways to do this but I'm looking for some other suggestions. How do you keep your relationship with your significant other exciting? I don't want comfortable to turn into boring.

dayum! No offense, but two years only and looking to keep it exciting? I guess you guys got comfortable quick!

Um, I'd suggest parties. Intimate parties. Close friends and family. Bowling party, Aloha parties... you know ones with themes.

Sets dates every week to go somewhere. Maybe every Friday or Saturday go to a comedy club or one of the corky restaurants.


Well-known member
Weekend sleep-ins
Unless DH is working, we always try to the cuddle, etc thing then. It's our time. The added bonus is DH makes the coffee after we get up! Sometimes we just watch movies together all weekend.


Well-known member
Don't wear clothes to bed, always smell good, keep your appearance up...what attracted you to each other initially is the same thing you both want to see the majority of the time. This excludes sick days and PMS time lol . My dh dies if I wear flannels or granny looking night gowns to bed....The things that are the most comfy for me are eye sores for him. Sexy lingerie is always a turn on....Play games....I think I may be the doctor tonight...


Well-known member
Tish.. I'm sure you can pull of flannel and make it sexy! Lol..

I tend to dress up as different characters.. Makeup and all.. I enjoy the look on his face.. Lol ..

As someone said, spontaneity is definately the key!


Well-known member
^^ LOL...NOT....and besides flannel gets hot as hell..I end up ripping that crap off myself...I have never understood how people sleep on flannel sheets unless they live in Alaska or somewhere and have no heat.


Well-known member
I have been with my hubby for 11 years. Two things that work for us

gym memberships (gotta keep it tight) and baby sitters. No joke.


Well-known member
I've been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years and we'll be moving in together in August. Things do get boring sometimes, but we find ways to make it better.

Try taking a trip somewhere or take a class together. Get a hobby together and go to a convention for it. Try and find new places to have sex. Dress up in outfits and roleplay. If I think of anything else I'll make another post.


Well-known member
me and my hubby have been together for 7 years and married for 1.5 years! and we still manage to keep it interesting. we love to cook together - trying out new things can be fun and yummy!
plus it gets you working together which is always good!

snuggling up in bed or on the sofa to watch a good film together is also a great thing to do! even going out to the cinema is fun because you can snuggle up and act like teenagers again! plus if we ever go to the cinema we go out for a meal before or after the film to chat about our week

and like tish said - sleep naked! i do even in winter because when i'm cold i just snuggle on up to hubby


Well-known member
Like many beautiful specktrettes here I too have been with my hubby for 7 years, which by the way seems like lucky number on this forum, and we have been living together for 5 yrs, along with a 4 yr old son. We had rocky times and times where we just werent into each other anymore...but one thing is for sure..we both wanted to make it work.

Make sure to stay true to who he met in the first place. If you do they can never blame you that you changed! you just say, hey ive been the same person you met. lol.

dates after work on a weekday maybe? ppl are so in routine from Monday to thursday that a date on a wed might just be fun.

Im def looking into pole dancing classes....


Well-known member
and like tish said - sleep naked! i do even in winter because when i'm cold i just snuggle on up to hubby

^^^ thats so funny...after being with my hubby for 7 yrs he finally ask me to just sleep naked! I thought to myself why havent i ever thought of that i am going nuts with lingerie and outfits and all i have to do is wear good ol' birthday suit. lol. its free and just my size. He likes to see im confident of who i am and how i look...

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