How do you use your Reflects glitters?


Well-known member
I just purchased three of these last week (my first pro store visit yay!) and I love how subtle they are, they last, are relatively easy to apply etc. But I have THREE of them and given that they are so sheer it's hard for me to see a use for having them all. So I'm looking for ideas.

Thanks in advance!

BTW - purchased Reflects Antique Gold (LOVE!), Reflects Red, and Reflects Duo Purple.


Well-known member
I would do your eye makeup as usual & then pat them on top of your shadows for a little something extra


Well-known member
I use mine in lipgloss and over lippie and they're gorgeous!! also in body cream over shoulders for evenings gives a realy nice look


Well-known member
I have the 10 new plus the 4 other ones and I like to also pat them on over my Pigment then lightly fan them out for a subtle twinkle. I also have made great liners out of the bolder new shades by mixing with a medium (I prefer Mehron) and they really sparkle & stay put all day.


Well-known member
They are not safe to use on eyes as no MAC glitters are, which is such a shame because they would look gorgeous, but you damage your eyes. I lightly dust them on my cheeks for a pretty shimmer and also mix them with clear lipglass and pigments to make my own shade of gloss.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I would do your eye makeup as usual & then pat them on top of your shadows for a little something extra

That is exactly what I do. Sometimes I pat it over my lipcolor too, then add clear gloss. Love them!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all the advice. Most of the suggestions I had already thought of, but it's good to hear I'm not way off base.

For those of you who have mixed them with lotions and gels, are there brands/formulas you've found to work best?

Thanks again!


Well-known member
The MAC eyeliner and lash mixing mediums are pretty good! The only thing I would suggest is if you are making an eyeliner with them and you are using eg green glitter, mix a teensy bit of a green pigment in with it to give the glitter some background colour otherwise if the glitter isnt spread evenly in the liner you will end up with patchy bits of glitter with the base eyeshadow peeking through!


Well-known member
LOL - that was a mistake I made with it, you get the rock skipping look on the upper lashline - it isnt nice